Man, I am tired. I should go to bed. I have work at 8Am in a mall the day before Christmas Eve. This is after pulling a 13 and a half hour shift there the day before.
Anyway, The wedding was wonderful and beautiful. Getting there was not. After printing out directions found on the internet, I thought I was on my way. I then realized that the church was further north in NJ than I originally thought. I thought it was going to be across the Ben Franklin bridge, it was in fact across the Betsy Ross. Not a big deal, but I would be driving close to rush hour in a downpour through Philadelphia traffic. My brother suggested an alternate route, that for a moment was exceptionally fine. Cross the close bridge of Commodore Barry, and head up Route 130, which so happens to be 295. This was good as there was lighter traffic. Problems arose because of New Jersey's predilection towards placing exit signs either on the exit or after, never before. I wound up missing the exit to stay on Route 130. There was the exit sign, then as I was going to go over and proceed through it, it passed a second later. Twenty feet between sign and exit, with nothing coming before it as a warning. So, I drove to a place that was semi-familiar, Bellmawr. I took an exit off 295 that I had used before to head to a friend's place. I pulled over where I could and called for help. I didn't have any maps on me.
After a brief discussion with two of my brothers, I headed back to 295 and proceeded to Route 73. It was a respectable drive, and not that bad. Still the rain was horrible. As I entered Route 73, I noticed more keep right signs supposedly exits. They were of course laid right on top of the actual turn. I was supposed to exit at Maple Shade, but of course drove past it when the sign I thought i was foloow lead to an exit instead of folloing the sign after the exit. I cannot warp space-time, yet. I grabbed the next u-turn jug-handled horror that the Garden State loves so much, and proceed back towards my inital exit.
Then it was praise that the church had a school attached, or I would have missed the place completely. I wound up dripping my way in just beofre the brides-maids proceeded down the asile. I grabbed the pue in the back and watched the ceremony.