Monday, October 31, 2011
It's Halloween
My mind is in flux. I'm not quite sure what to do with it. Poking and prodding from outside sources only lead to more confusion. I was exceptionally bored tonight, which is typical for a Sunday. Unfortunately it shouldn't be typical for the night before Halloween.
Halloween is an enjoyable time of year for me. I like Fall weather, which there was some of. There was a snowfall that occurred a day ago, but that was thankfully melted by the Sunday sun. The weather is still a little cold for the usual crispness of fall, but I'll deal. When I think specifically of Halloween, I actually think of the movie Halloween and its' setting. I envision the suburban neighborhood with leaves blowing in the wind. Orange and black (go Flyers) decorations mounting every porch and windowsill. Now, I haven't watched Halloween in any of its' parts this year, but the season and AMC's plentiful commercials always remind me of it.
I think the first problem I ran into this year was the lack of costume ideas. typically, I make my costume in some way. I like to wear real clothing for when I am out. It just feels more comfortable. I am not a girl, so I doubt I could get away with strips of lingerie and call myself vixen. Many people would find it hilarious if I was to do that, but it isn't happening, at least not this year. Still, I didn't have an idea on what to really be to get my creative juices flowing.
The past few years I went all Batman villain-like and portrayed The Riddler and the Scarecrow. I gathered supplies from various sources and slapped some hot glue and sewing skills together for something that wasn't too shabby. I was attempting to be characters I have never been before. When I was a kid I had an old school handmade Batman and Robin outfit that was made by my mom. They resembled the Adam West series costumes. When the Tim Burton Batman film was big, I was the Joker. In high school, I went as a not so great version of Two-Face. My scarred, make-up filled side decided to leave my face early. This year I just didn't think of another character to portray with the limited time available.
I have dressed in store bought costumes before. I have masks galore just because I like masks. I wear glasses, so masks aren't usually the best option. I don't like to wear make-up too much because I know I will mess it up. This year I went fairly cheap and easy. I dressed as The Doctor from the current Doctor Who. I already had a sonic screwdriver that I got from work. I owned a bow-tie. I bought a tweed coat from the Goodwill store and stopped by Wal-mart for a pair of suspenders. I even picked up a Halloween cowboy hat because fake Stetsons are cool. The Doctor wore a cowboy hat for like 3 scenes in as many episodes. I wanted a fez, but couldn't find one on such short notice.
Right now, I am on a lull. I'm not feeling the greatest, or even the average-ist. I have another Halloween shindig to attend, but that's before Thanksgiving. The bar I regularly frequent is having a late Halloween party complete with prizes! I have no idea what to wear to that. I'm probably thinking Scarecrow.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Halloween 2011: The Return! MIx
So, here's the listing:
Halloween 2011: The Return!
1. Satan's Ice Cream Truck - Strapping Young Lad
2. Graveyard Picnic - Voltaire
3. I Want You To - Black Light Burns
4. B-Movie Scream Queen - Murderdolls
5. Moon Over Bourbon Street - Sting
6. Eclipse - Thrice
7. Avoid The Light - Pantera
8. Her Black Wings - Danzig
9. After Dark - Tito & Tarantula
10. Spooky - Dusty Springfield
11. Peek-A-Boo - Siouxsie And the Banshees
12. Bum the Witch - Queens of the Stone Age
13. Dracula - Gorillaz
14. Black Lodge (Black Strings Mix) - Anthrax
15. Mothra - Godflesh
16. Fresh Blood - Eels
17. Long Hard Road Out of Hell - Marilyn Manson and The Sneaker Pimps
18. All Hallow's eve - Type O Negative
All total, it runs slightly under 80 minutes (or the average length of what a burnable CD will hold). I tend to use the length of a CD as my target for length. I never feel I should whittle down to something around 45 minutes or so. I like Halloween, and things that put me in that mood. I want to listen to it for as long as possible. Sure, I could just hit repeat, and I have. I just would like variety for at least a modest amount of time.
Friday, September 09, 2011
I would say that I have been busy, and haven't been ignoring you. That's a lie though. I think about you a lot. I just don't feel the commitment. Maybe it's not that either. Maybe I just don't feel good enough for you. I will try and see you more often. I will work you into a schedule if need be. A reason to write for at least a few minutes a day or something. With every new task, the routine needs to be started. There should be ground rules. I should figure them out.
I'll see you soon.
- Blog Writer.
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Thinking Pt. 2
No, not the band. I do enjoy the bands music though. Still, This writing is supposed to be on muse. definition:
Specifically, I was referring to the second "noun" definition. Basically, the thing that inspires someone to fulfill their creativity.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Thinking Pt. 1
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
More reasons why I don't write
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Head Full
- I read an article concerning the death of the Geek subculture. I don't agree with it, nor disagree with it for a couple reasons.
- I been finding many things terrible. I think I can do a better job, but am just lazy. This mainly concerns stories, be they comic book, movie or television.
- I spend a lot of time alone. It's not because I don't like you.
- I realized what I wanted to be in high school.
- Dinosaurs!
- I could wax on and off about the current comic book movie phenomenon, but feel that's already beaten to death.
- I still know a great deal about video games without really playing them, save for World of Warcraft.
- Duran Duran's Rio is now stuck in my head for no good reason.
- I want to do something, but am not entirely sure what.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Famous R.E.M. Song

I'm keeping a word processing document open in case I want to write something. I guess it worked because here I am typing.
It's the end of the world. Well, at least according to some folks. People can believe anything they want about most things. In terms of faith, things get blurry and subjective. How one woman approaches how she sees the Catholic God, is different from how a Jewish man sees Yahweh. That doesn't mean both people are necessarily wrong in their aspect of faith, just that their faith is different. I'm fairly certain, most people that are full of their faith think they are good people.
Anyway, that's a crazy philosophy I may delve into at some point. My head needs to work it out more. If I go off on it now, especially in a public forum (read: blog) it could come to bite me in the ass. That may not matter though because the Rapture is occurring this Saturday. No time for repercussions.
If you have been in any major population center chances are you've seen the signs. I don't mean omens. I literally mean signs on billboards, buses, and on people's person sandwich board style. The world is ending May 21st, 2011.
Harold Camping is a man with a message. That message is that there are signs taken from the Bible that led him to believe that the rapture will occur on Saturday. The rapture is supposedly the time when God raises those deemed worthy to his side, while the rest are left behind (yes, a pun) for the coming apocalypse. There have been plenty of Biblical experts claiming the world will end or whatever on various dates throughout time. There have been plenty of experts in various fields claiming to know when the world will end. It hasn't ended yet though.
For me, my biggest problem with Camping's message, is that it's presented a absolute truth. He doesn't make claims that this is his opinion, or what he believes, it is what it is. Maybe it's just me, but absolute truth also stated that the world was flat and that we were also on the back of a giant turtle. (I like the turtles.)
Using numerology, Camping said he extrapolated the date for the rapture from various passages in the Bible. The most focused on is the Second letter of Peter (2 Peter 3:8) “"With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day". Couple that with Genesis 7:4 "Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth" and a math problem starts to form. 1 day = 1 thousand years; 7 days = 7 thousand years
There is a lot more to it. Frankly, while I find it semi-interesting, I don't really want to learn everything about it. Here's the wikipedia link for people that took the time to attempt to explain it:
I don't think God would have us base our faith on math puzzles. I don't care what religion you are, if your deity of choice said math can solve all... that's science. I didn't think science and faith walked hand in hand. At least it doesn't for renowned physicist, Stephen Hawking.
Sure, people like the Buddha gave his followers logic puzzles and similar brain teasers, but that was in an effort to reach enlightenment. It's to get you to think. The Christian God seemed to present in the New Testament a more direct approach, like turn the other cheek. I would like to think God would like his message clearly known. If the message is more cryptic, who is to say things haven't been altered in the the translations of the Bible in that past almost 2000 years?
In the end, will the world end on Saturday? I have no idea. It might, but I doubt it. The world could end on Friday. It could end Sunday. It could also end thousands of years from now. As much as things always seem to get predicted about the end times, we aren't going to know until it happens.
Even then, we probably won't believe it.