Hi, Blog.
I would say that I have been busy, and haven't been ignoring you. That's a lie though. I think about you a lot. I just don't feel the commitment. Maybe it's not that either. Maybe I just don't feel good enough for you. I will try and see you more often. I will work you into a schedule if need be. A reason to write for at least a few minutes a day or something. With every new task, the routine needs to be started. There should be ground rules. I should figure them out.
I'll see you soon.
- Blog Writer.
Friday, September 09, 2011
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Thinking Pt. 2
No, not the band. I do enjoy the bands music though. Still, This writing is supposed to be on muse.
Dictionary.com definition:
No, not the band. I do enjoy the bands music though. Still, This writing is supposed to be on muse.
Dictionary.com definition:
verb (used without object)
to think or meditate in silence, as on some subject.
Archaic . to gaze meditatively or wonderingly.
verb (used with object)
to meditate on.
to comment thoughtfully or ruminate upon.
That's all fine and dandy. It is an acceptable definition, and one that is occasionally used. I on the other hand was referring to:
Classical Mythology .
any of a number of sister goddesses, originally given asAoede (song), Melete (meditation), and Mneme(memory), but latterly and more commonly as the ninedaughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne who presided overvarious arts: Calliope (epic poetry), Clio (history), Erato(lyric poetry), Euterpe (music), Melpomene (tragedy),Polyhymnia (religious music), Terpsichore (dance),Thalia (comedy), and Urania (astronomy); identified bythe Romans with the Camenae.
any goddess presiding over a particular art.
( sometimes lowercase
) the goddess or the power regarded as inspiring a poet, artist, thinker, or the like.
Specifically, I was referring to the second "noun" definition. Basically, the thing that inspires someone to fulfill their creativity.
( lowercase
) the genius or powers characteristic of a poet.
Specifically, I was referring to the second "noun" definition. Basically, the thing that inspires someone to fulfill their creativity.
Many a creative person gets asked the question an infinite number of times, "Where do you get your ideas from?" It's a tough thing to answer. Sometimes it just comes to you. Other times, there is a certain thing that triggers a creative response. It could be the sight of a beautiful woman, the wind blowing a plastic bag, or even car horns while waiting in traffic.
For some people, the urge to create seems innate. Things just flow from them. I lack some of this I think. I don't think I lack it completely for here I am typing on the keyboard. There are thoughts, ideas, and ruminations that I feel compelled to share with the public, should they find this. I think the thing that curtails much of my creativity, or rather stagnation in creativity, is lack of proper motivation.
A muse is motivation. Even the verb definition has a contemplative meaning. Any good art makes people think. Hell, even bad art evokes a response. Still, there was an initial factor as to why that art/creativity took place to begin with.
I think I just lack the proper motivation. When I was in school, I had to write papers on certain research topics. Later, I had Creative Writing classes that allowed me to do what I wanted in a fiction environment. The difference is that I was motivated at the time by just that, Time. There was a deadline for anything I was required to write. Very few things now-a-days require my creativity, even less so put an actual date of completion to it.
I guess the short of it is that I am lazy, and I see many things as an excuse to not do what I claim to want to do.
Next up: Peers.
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