I am tired. Go figure.
It's 3 in the morning, and I just finished doing stuff for work in my free time. I am an idiot. I scrolled through a list of comics from an independent distributor and narrowed down the items to what I think the store should actually carry. About 95% of the stuff didn't make the cut. I added a couple CDs I found on there for good measure. I already have the Space Ghost: Musical BBQ, but I think I could deal with having the 2 Power Puff Girls cds. I know, I am a dork. I like cartoons though. Sometimes the music is good for inspiration.
Also, I added an RSS reader to my Myspace page so it would seem easier to notice when I post something here. I don't really have any followers through this, at least not many that are non-anonomyous. I know a few people do occasionally read the words I throw-up here. It seems that more people would be more inclined to check out the Myspace profile first though, seeing as they would already be on Myspace. I don't have a Facebook profile yet. I haven't decided if it is worth it or not. I know may people are making a change to it. It seems to be the new trend. Many older, read not kids, are switching to create a seeming more mature social netork. I guess hiding behind avatars and fake names can only do so much.
I have been lazy lately. I haven't been very good with keeping in contact with friends. I just think a call out of the blue from me isn't worthwhile. I don't find myself interesting, so I don't want to subject people to my annoying work stories. I need to go out more. I work too much, too often. It gets to the point where if I am not working during the week, I tend to nod off and nap for a bit. I don't think I have a wide enough window to do something constructive. Maybe, I am just making up excuses. If only I had a webcam, I could make some shitty video blog for Youtube like some emo kid.
I should go to sleep now. I hope everyone is having a good day.
If you have any savings you should quit your job. If you dont do it youll never leave. Ely would still be at Hall of Heroes if not for me. Not like you need some kind of high stress job like him, but you need to be appreciated and most of all feel appreciated.
somehow I dont think rallying chants would work on you.
I don't have much in the way of savings. Having a poor paying job doesn't help financial matters. In fact, I may have to scrape together what I have to try and help out at home.
Chants really don't work on me. Whatever happens, happens.
You need to devote time to finding a new job. Whether it be designating a couple hours in the night, or in the morning before/after work to job search. (after you've revamped your resume. I'm sure you don't need to be told this - but I used several templates I found online. I looked up job description for "retail store manager" and I was able to drum up quite a bit of fluff that made the showcase job seem more elaborate. ) Everyday I would come home, look on craiglist, monster, and c.b., for postings. Anyway... This comment is turning into a blog of its own.
i could probably gets a wonderful job doing tech support.. come on .. you know you want to work at a call center!
I deal with enough annoying people, tim. Thanks though.
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