I had a mini adventure today.
Iron Man came out on DVD today. I let my discount at my mall's Suncoast lapse, so I haven't really been in there lately. I didn't bother to reserve it. I didn't think it would be a problem. It turns out it was a little one.
When I go to Best Buy, I tend to think they'll have a good amount of something like Iron Man. It was a summer blockbuster and fantastic film. It is also the first summer release to hit DVD. Sure enough, they did have a lot of copies... just not the one I wanted.
There are a couple versions of the DVD release. One is the standard release that is just the movie and whatever extras they see fit to stick on the sole disc. The second is the suped-up version with a 2nd disc that contains documentaries and other extras, like gag reels. The third is Blue Ray. The final is the extra-sized 2nd version with a bust of some sort. I tend to shoot toward the 2nd, 2 disc version when it comes to comic movie releases. I am a comic nerd, so I appriciate dork-talk and interviews with people that handle comic properties. In most cases, the interviews are with creators (in Iron Man's case Stan Lee), writers and artists for the character and possibly editors and other producers.
The problem came when I couldn't find the 2 disc version. Best Buy had a dump, or standee in the front of the store with a big cardboard Iron Man. It was full of dozens of copies of the single disc movie and even a few Blue Ray versions. The new release section sported a few slots for the 1 disc verison and empty 2 disc versions. I saw a woman looking for the same thing as me. She went and found an employee to help her. I walked to where it should be in the regular movie section. There were a ton of the single version. I am talking about two full shelves worth of the single disc. Proper scouring and knowing what a cardboad sleeve looks like on the side produced some results.
Thankfully, there were 2 copies of the 2 disc version left on the shelf. I quickly snatched mine and hoped the woman from earlier was there before me. She showed up a few seconds later while I was looking at other things in the isle. She had a Best Buy employee in tow. His computer told him they had a few in stock. I told her there was one left and walked over and grabbed it for her. She thanked me for my help.
That was my good deed for the day. Now, I have to go do something evil to counter balance.