I give and give.
All I really did tonight was give blood. That's about the extent of it. While at my appointment, the whole grade school gym looked bare compared to the last time I donated. There were 4 tables set up for people to donate. They took me as soon as I finished signing papers and reading pamphlets, acknowledging that I have never been to Africa or England, nor had a blood transfusion there.
When I was on the table, the nurse wasn't the nicest, but she was all right. She was at least a little sympathetic. Granted, I don't usually think needles hurt that much, but support is always a comforting thing. Apparently, the changed the needles they usually used. The one tonight felt like a pencil being shoved in my arm. After the took my essence, they felt it was good to take some more. The second nurse/doctor, evil person wasn't so kind. He was an idiot from some foreign land. My guess would be India. English wasn't his first language. He unattached me from the bag of blood, but forgot to take the appropriate samples. Instead, they decided to used my other arm as a pin cushion. Now, my arms look like a heroin addicts. The Idiotic Indian couldn't find my vein either. It took another nurse to show him. He had no bedside manner at all.
The only semi-benefit of the whole ordeal was sitting across from a cute college girl afterward, as I drank my apple juice and ate hard pretzels. The girl was concerned about her blood type. Apparently, she had something like B on her birth certificate but the blood people said she was O positive. She wasn't sure how that could happen. Sometimes people make mistakes was the answer. Hell, when I found out my blood type, I thought I was originally B as well. I got something in the mail to join the "B" team for blood donation. It wasn't till I got my blood donation card that I realized I was O negative.
So, here I sit. I spent the rest of the night playing demos for the Xbox 360. Nothing really grabbed me. I headed to the bar to get out of the house, and it was extremely quiet. Scary quiet. There was about 10 people total in the bar including the 2 that worked there. Now, I am fighting sleep with a bandage on each arm. I have no idea what the new day will bring. I will probably sit home alone watching various TV shows on Dvd and if I am ambitious, maybe a movie or two.
castle crushers!
sorry its crashers
The girl was concerned about her blood type. Apparently, she had something like B on her birth certificate but the blood people said she was O positive. She wasn't sure how that could happen.
Switched at birth??
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