Yup, that's me. Epic fail. That sums up my day pretty well.
Now, it's time for me to shed a little personal reflection. See this more as examination and explanation. There will be no realization. I am a fool, pure and simple.
I was at work today, and putting out an order. A few of the regular customers and the boss were around. while the boss was on the phone a customer needed help with something. Stopping what I was doing, I went to help her. Yes, her. It was a girl. I feel a little weird actually referring to her as a girl. Makes me seem old and her seem young. Anyway, we talked for a while. Turns out we didn't have what she was looking for. Apparently, no one really did in the mall. She desired action figures for Final Fantasy. Check one box for a little nerdiness, which is always cute to a person in my profession. I simply would have taken it as a potential gift for a boyfriend or brother, if she hadn't produced the dvd of Advent Children. She said she even watched it on Youtube, but needed to own it.
Knowing that I probably couldn't help her, I gave some suggestions as to where she might find what she was looking for. she was grateful, but then asked about the miniature games we sell at the store. I gave her a basic run down of what the hobby entails. She wanted to know who would get into such things. I told her there are many reasons. Sometimes people want to model and paint, and sometimes people want to play. Deciding on an army depends on what one wants to take from the hobby. There was quick banter of how she would see people play, and suggest what people should do after they were already play. She made a joke that sometimes her suggestions would have been a better choice, because she was a girl. I called her the next Genghis Khan. She thought it was funny.
My boss got off the phone soon thereafter. He decided to just interrupt the conversation I was in, talking about some stupid game industry crap I really don't care about. She left at this time. I only got her last name. My one friend commented when she left, "Tell me you at least got her number." When I said no, he quipped "Epic fail." It was appropriate, and I was thoroughly embarrassed. My bossed asked when I didn't signal him off. I told him it wouldn't have mattered. How can I tell my boss to go away that I was talking to someone. If you know my boss, you would know that the man doesn't like to shut up and loves the sound of his own voice. The phone dies every day from his calls to and from everyone.
So, I screwed up. I failed in attempting to initiate anything other than casual conversation. The strange part followed. I began to think there was something in the mall filter, like pheromones or something.
A friend of mine came down from another store in the mall. He had a girl with him. What I found out later, it was during his break. I actually thought it was some kind of review or something because the two sat outside my store on a bench for a while. Turns out, she was just keeping him company. He told me she was giving him signals of possibly something more. I told him he stole my mojo, but then retracted that I didn't have any mojo to begin with.
So, that was strange. A little later in the night. Another friend from a different store, came in saying he got some girl's number at work. Being the pessimist, I asked what she looked like. He does work in a game store and could have Final Fantasy figures. Still, his brief description didn't match anything to the girl I was talking to earlier.
In closing, yes I am a fool. I still think there is something in the air though. I just hope it lingers a little longer for my spine to grow.
I think she'll be back
My friend James said the same thing when I relayed the story. We'll see.
what FF figures was she looking for? i have a friend who has a bunch he was looking to sell off for some money.. if she does come back possibly having the things she was looking for last time she was in woudl probably go over well.
You're like a bear with these big fucking claws man!!
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