I am easily distracted at the moment. It's like many things suddenly turned into shiny objects that my raccoon brain must pay attention to at the moment.
It happens a lot at work. It may seem like multitasking, and part of it is, but I really just keep switching focus. From placing an order, to doing inventory, to building a huge castle out of foam, I was doing it all. I even found time to price and shelve an order. Isn't my day exciting?
I have been meaning to write something for a while. The ideas just aren't germinating. This is an excuse after all. I attempted to start reading more dense literature, which means those books without pictures. The bulk of my silent knowledge comes from comic books and magazines. Now, if only those magazines were news sources for global events and not upcoming video games. The bulk of my creative output comes during work.
Being in a comic book store means people who come in there like to read comics. Many times, conversations grow about different things. Sometimes it's "can this character beat that character" or whatever the new comic movie comic out will be like. I almost have to play devil's advocate at times as to why certain things occur the way they do. Some times it is fun, and other times I just want to strangle the fanboy who won't listen.
I think I wasted enough time. My mind is shutting off as my television calls to me. There is only so much late night tv I can take before I have to hurt something.
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