I am attempting to go crazy over the next week. The signs started showing today.
For the past few days, I have actually felt pretty good. It was almost euphoric. Nothing could drop my spirits, which is saying a lot considering I am mostly a pessimist. I shrugged off nearly every negative thing hurled at me. Most problems were dealt with an, "Oh well", and a smile. That changed around 3PM this afternoon.
Work just really got to me today. I felt the strongest urge to destroy the castle we have been building at the store. Mainly I have been feeling that "I" am building... no "we" involved. As soon as I was leveled with about 16 things to do for the night with about 2 seconds notice, I just welled-up with rage. At one point, trying to screw in crenelation to the wall, my positioning was obstructed by a tower. The tower was graciously placed there by my boss in an effort to add detail, never mind that I had to do work before it should have gone in, now I had to work around it. A screwdriver was thrown. No one was hurt. I just feel all this work is wasted effort. My name won't appear for any credit.
I am trying not to hate Lord of the Rings. I should re-watch the movies. I have all the extended editions, and haven't even watched the 3rd one, Return of the King, in it's extended form yet. Apparently, it is the best one with additional material, like the Mouth of Sauron.
I decided to play to my loves. I thought it would be in my best, sane interest to contribute with something that I like to the store. So, I found a bunch of Lord of the Rings soundtracks to bring in to listen to while working. At the momnet, there is only the Fellowship of the Ring CD at the store, and I am sick of it. I figure showing up with about 6 more CDs worth of Balrog-slaying music could change the atmosphere.
some LotR insipration for you:
But i ask you this question, i know you do a lot (read most) of the building on that castle... but do you really want to go to games day and try and run the War of the Rings game for GamesDay 12 year olds?? I personaly thing the actual running of the game is going to be a giant Clusterfuck!
wait...did you throw the scredriver..if so send me your creds and Im writing your resume
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