I am sitting in front of the computer trying to think of something to do. This is bad when it is 2:30 in the morning and I have work in less than 8 hours. This things happen though.
I have no real purpose to write right this moment. I have had no moment of clarity. I mainly think it is just to give me more awake-time before I drift off to dream world. Unfortunately, I know that will shortly become work prep.
I'm chewing on a Bic pen. It's almost like a nervous thing. Oral fixation except, I have never smoked. Well, I have never smoked with any regularity. I have had a cigarette or two in my tenure of life. That ended 10 years ago when a Newport caused me to vomit on my birthday. Menthol is not my friend.
I'm listening to the new Gorillaz album, Plastic Beach. So far, it has a 80s feel in my opinion. Most of the beats so far seem almost sampled from new-wave tracks. I am trying to dig out the cuss words. If it's a clean record, it can be played in my store without many problems. Of course, I'm not sure how well some of the clientele will take to songs with Mos Def, Snoop Dogg, and De La Soul. Part of me wants to see if I can pull out what will be the single. If there is a single at the moment, I'm not aware. I have a decent ear for music. I can usually tell what could be catchy enough to grab a hold of an audience. With this first listen, nothing is standing out yet.
I finally watched The Hurt Locker. I thought it was good. I like the actor in it... I forget his name. There are a lot of actor in Hollywood that I should know according to TMZ. I know I liked his work on the failed show, The Unusuals. The explosives that he has to deal with in the movie are ridiculous. It's completely realistic, mind you, the bombs are just complicated and enormous. My favorite line I can remember is, "There's enough bang in there to blow us all to Jesus. If I'm gonna die, I want to die comfortable."
Oh, I have even been carrying a note pad with me to seem all professional like. It's not working. I have it with me all the time, I just never take it out to write anything down. I would make a terrible secretary. I only have stuff written on two pages. It's mostly article ideas... I should just call them blog ideas. It's stuff to write about. I just haven't really gone to the well of it yet. I probably will soon.
Well, that's it for now. I will go and sleep... or attempt sleep. Hopefully this time I won't get woken up at 6AM to let my dog in. That wasn't fun this morning.
1 comment:
I used to carry a notepad..mostly becuase I ahve a horrible memory and can think of the most amazing thing and then in 5 minutes find myself struggling to remember it. My old MP# player and my new IPOD have a voice memo feature that I use quite often- NOTE TO SELF... talk about self important. People see me takin that baby out they think im a psychiatrist or something.
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