I am not feeling well. I think it is a cold or something. I love that I get colds towards the end of winter.
It started off as a sore throat and migrated throughout my body. A Sucrets and plenty of fluids subdued the pain for a bit. A couple Tylenol helped along the way as well. Now, I am just tired, achy and not looking forward to working in the morning.
I really didn't do too much this weekend. The onset of the cold started, but I still found my way to the bar Friday night. Some fun was had, and people got plenty intoxicated. I did not and just drank my beer while talking with various people. Overall, I think everyone had a decent time.
I didn't do anything on Saturday. My sister and her family came over, so I basically stayed with them. I really wasn't feeling up to heading to the bar again. I did get a couple beers though at a St. Patty's Day function over at the school near me. It was a church fundraiser, and my mom was helping with the food preparation. It wasn't too bad. The chicken was all right, the ham was standard, I liked the cabbage though. Vinegar is my friend. Even as a kid, I would drink it sometimes, which probably isn't good. What can I say, I liked the smell when I was dying eggs at Easter. In any case, only my brother-in-law and myself went to the thing. My nephew threw a tantrum, asking why he had to go. Free food and making his grandmother happy weren't good enough, so he had his video games taken away from him.
After the family left, I stayed in the rest of the night playing video games. I usually don't play that often. So, I got some matches of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 under my belt, and realized that I am average at best. It also didn't help that I looked down and realized that it was 4:30 AM at one point. I had forgotten that tit was daylight savings. Spring forward and all.
Sunday was a rather lazy day. The productive portion had me travel to the Gamestop to pick up my nephew's birthday gifts, Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. What sucked it that I preordered them there with the intent to get the little doodad that was supposed to come with the preorder. They only had one of the figurines. Apparently, they don't give a shit if you preorder. The employees just take the shit they want anyway. On the receipt and all there wasn't even a customer service number to call. I couldn't even find one on their website. This just teaches me that preordering anything is a futile task. People are assholes regardless. I even tried asking a friend who works at another Gamestop to find one, he tried 3 different stores and came up short. I don't understand how you can run out of something the day of release when you are supposed to have enough to cover the people that preordered it. So, don't preorder any games people. It isn't worth it.
The night consisted of Internet shenanigans and watching The Guild on the Xbox. This was followed by about 15 minutes of playing Explosion Man.
1 comment:
Sucrets...I roll Ludens.
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