Here is something that annoys me.
I was in work today. I work in a comic book store. A customer comes up and asks about the new Batman movie. "So, what did you think of the new Batman movie?" he says. "It was amazing," I said, "Excellent." Now the second question bugged me. "What did you think of Heath Ledger as the Joker?" "Well, I thought he was great. I didn't see Ledger, I saw Joker." And here is where it pissed me off. "Nicholson was better."
Here we go. First off, I work in a COMIC BOOK STORE! I read comics all the time. The last time I read a Batman comic was yesterday. I asked the guy questioning me when he last read Batman, and he said years ago. Who do you think has a better grasp on the character? I have about 20 years experience reading comics. I have not just stuck to one or two books. Hell, I'm not even a hardcore Marvel zombie or DC fan. I read almost everything. Joker is iconic, so of co
Secondly, I am not knocking Jack Nicholson as an actor. The man has played some amazing roles and performances. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a great film. I even liked As Good As It Gets. I thoroughly enjoyed his performance as Joker in Tim Burton's Batman back in 1989. It was the Joker for 1989. The and now are two different things. There was too much "Jack" in my Joker. Even down to the character's name, Jack Napier. Nicholson's Joker was more goofy and had a sadistic sense of humor, which are both well portrayed aspects of the character. Ledger was something else.
Third, the guy complained that, "They didn't even give him an origin. They just threw him in there." For me, that's why it worked. There is no real origin for the Joker. First off, no one knows who he really is. He doesn't have a real name. Secondly, the Red Hood stuff about him being thrown into the chemicals and it changes his skin and hair is misleading. That is not cannon. It is one story that could be his origin. He is random and chaotic. There is no reason why he is how he is, there is just him. That's why I loved Joker's tries about his scars in The Dark Knight. He kept changing them. Whatever the time called for, Joker explained his scars to match the situation.
It just bugs me when someone comes into my work and asks me my opinion on some movie thing. I am always wrong and they are always right. It doesn't matter that I am in an environment to afford a better knowledge basis for a well informed opinion.
Oh, and why does everyone forget about Cesar Romero?
so wait.... youre saying that you liked Heath Ledger, over Nicholson?
was the kid saying Nicholson was better?
Sorry for the confusion. i can be a bit unclear when I just throw words on a keyboard.
The kid, mind you he is in his mid-20s, liked Nicholson better. I prefer Ledger. I feel that Ledger portrayed Joker in a more contemporary sense that made him seem real and less like a comic book character. Nicholson seem too much like the actor and not enough like the character.
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