Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Should be sleeping, throat be scratching

I think I am getting sick again. This tends to happen whenever I have inklings to do something at the very least, semi-productive.

It is currently St. Patty's Day. I was going to be a "true" Irishman and hit up the local pub for a drink. Depending on my health, I just may still. It may be the cure for all I know. All this will be after work of course. It is currently almost 3AM, and the bars are all closed.

I want to write a romance story. At the moment, I feel like Jack Nicholson's character from As Good As It Gets. I could probably imagine a great story in my head and may even translate some of it to paper, but lack the actual real world counterpart. Of course in the movie, he gets the happy ending with Helen Hunt, but comeon' it's Helen Hunt.

I am hungery. Who wants to go out to eat? My treat. I need to eat out more. Someone needs to try and bolster the economy. One man can make a difference.

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