I'm still awake, and I am sort of bored. This amounts to me writing more stuff. I have to get tired somehow.
My birthday is the 23rd. For me that's two days from now, but chronologically, it would be tomorrow. I will be 30, and I have no idea what that will mean. So, in honor of me feeling old, let me go self-flagellate.
So, many people know that I was seeing someone way back in November. Her name was Alicia, and we had a few dates. It was fun. It got to be around Thanksgiving and things were quickly falling apart, apparently. This will be a abbreviated version of the whole ordeal.
We would talk nearly every day. There were times our schedules would conflict. I would tend to be leaving work when she is normally going to sleep. So, it makes sense that we would sometimes not communicate. The last time I talked to her was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. It was a brief talk. With the hectic family craziness of he holiday, we didn't talk on Thursday either. I wound up heading into downtown Philly for the big meal. My brother was getting married at a hotel, so he offered dinner. In my mom's hotel room, my call reached voice-mail. My call hit voice-mail again on Friday while I was waiting for the wedding reception.
I wound up watching my brother's place the next week while he was on his honeymoon. He lives in Havertown, which is where Alicia originally hails. She knew I would be watching my brother's place, and we were attempting to make plans to eat at a place around there that she liked. I didn't hear from her all week. The last thing I got was a text message about how she was busy and would call me the next day. She never did.
I tried one more time to call on the following Saturday, got the voice-mail, and gave up entirely.
It was annoying trying to explain the situation to people. With ,many other relationships, there tends to be a reason for them to end. I felt like I really didn't have one. So my response was constantly, "I don't know what happened." The terrible thing is that when I started seeing her, it seemed like the knowledge that I was dating someone spread like wildfire. Almost everyone I knew seemed to bring it up. Unlike that, when we weren't seeing each other anymore, no one got the message. So, I had to explain the whole situation a thousand times. It was excruciating.
So, fast-forward to January. Wounds are pretty much healed. I am just going about enjoying a typical Friday night at my usual watering-hole. Lo and behold, who walks in, but Alicia.
It was mainly just awkward. I never called her back because I felt if she wanted to deal with me, she had to make the move. I didn't hate her at all. She probably had her reasons for what she did, and I understand that. I wasn't going to go say anything to her. Instead she came over to me.
She wanted to explain herself. She gave reasons of the holidays making everything crazy, work getting busy and weekends of skiing. They all made sense. Two of my friends were present and participating in the conversation, one good and and bad. The good friend, B, was exceptionally cordial. She got Alicia a seat, so she could sit and talk. B even asked the guy next to me to move over when Alicia was forced from her previous seat by a returning patron. B was nice and friendly. The other friend, J, wasn't that nice. She would would rub my back (which just felt creepy) and whisper in my ear, "She's fucking lying, don't trust anything she says." That type of remark was just getting me pissed. I was more annoyed by my asshole friend than I was with the girl who ignored me while we were dating. J has since apologized for what she did, after getting told I was annoyed by others.
In any case, I talked with Alicia for the rest of the night. After telling her that I write a blog, she challenged me to write about this night. I didn't really want to do it. We talked about what's been going on. She told me about skiing and showed me pictures of snowy mountains. She said she still has the stuff I got for her for her birthday, and even my copy of True Blood season 1. She wanted to get it back to me, but I told her she should watch it before she does. It was the reason I gave it (borrow... she refused to let me buy it for her) to her in the first place.
The night ended with some goofy antics. B was posing with Alicia's fur coat. Alicia said we should get together for lunch or something, so she can get the dvd back to me.
We haven't talked since.
So, there you have it. I wrote about it. I am going to attempt to write more often. I have been greatly slacking for various reason, and really none of them good. Hopefully, inspiration will hit him in the coming days.
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