My blog was brought up as a joke tonight. I thought that was actually funny that it was even used as a topic of conversation.
I am exceptionally tired right now. This rant may seem a little more incoherent than normal. I didn't get my usual nap after work on Tuesday. I came home aggravated at staying late at work. I ate some dinner that may not have been fully cooked chicken, and then I made my way into Philly to my friend's place for a LOST party.
It was good to get out tonight though. I saw some people I haven't seen in a long time, and a few I have never met before. It was a way to bring people together. My friend, Eric, threw the party. As per usual, he went a bit overboard with design. It doesn't help that he is an artist, professionally. Hell, I even looked at the book he is currently published in. It was surreal.
Tonight was the premier of the final season of LOST. This show has been a unifying point for my group of friends. Theories are typically discussed and surmised whenever any of us are together. Of course, that happened at a peak level tonight, especially during the 1 hour preview (read: catch-up) show preceding the actual premier. Smoke monsters and after the bomb segments were the highest point of discussion. What's funny is that this show doesn't really bring about arguments. It's more of an interpretive thing for whoever is watching. It is through discussion that all the ideas are thrown on the table and people start to attempt to see where the show is heading. Just about everyone is wrong in the end though.
I'm not going to talk about the actual show. Too many other bloggers do that with better detail. I'll just say that I enjoyed the show. I dislike that supposed major players are being brought in this late. I also thought the Tim Burton / Danny Elfman style beginning was much funnier than it was supposed to be. I guess the smoke monster costs a lot to make good, so the rest of the computer generated animation has to suffer.
The party had island food as well. I ate a plate of... I forget what it was called. It was rice, topped with a hamburger patty, scrambled eggs, onions, peppers, mushrooms, and other spices served with a brown gravy. It was pretty decent, but probably not something I would order in a restaurant. Some of the other guests brought food as well, there were plenty of cookies, including "fishbuscuits" (a LOST reference), sushi, ribs, pie, and appropriately labeled beverages with Dharma logos.
All in all, it was a very enjoyable night. Eric's daughter, Estella, is great. His one cat, Louise, decided to lay in my lap for almost the entire show. I had that after a movie bathroom feeling when I finally stood up. It was a pretty long drive home. Snow was starting to come down. I nearly got into a couple accidents on the way back on I-95, but I think I will save that story for tomorrow. I need some sleep.
for the record, it was brought up as a joke, but this blog or the challenge of writing once a day is not considered to be a joke.
I will continue to support and be one of the illustrious 3, but you have to admit sooner or later it might be tempting to try to affect what you write when we hang out, be it through a good time, or attempted sexual assault.
Hey, I'm glad someone reads. It gives me less of a sense that I am doing this shit to make me feel better about myself. It helps me change lives.
Now, I just have to work on making is a preventative measure against sexual assault.
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