I am very lazy this weekend. I haven't really thought of anything to write. I also missed writing for a day yesterday, not that many noticed.
The run down of Friday consists of mostly work. There was a part that involved my boss telling me I didn't have to go into work on Saturday because of the impending snow storm. Too bad I don't work Saturdays anyway. The whole day at work was reflecting people's fear of the snow. The morning was crazy with people. Many people had to get to the store, or mall, just to get their supplies for being sealed up in a house all weekend. Since we are an entertainment destination, we sold a few boardgames and plenty of comics.
This snow has ruined many things. I was supposed to head to a party on Friday night. Two of my friends share a birthday, so they were having a party at one of their places. All of that was destroyed when the snow fell. Suddenly, roads were getting slippery and unnavigable. It didn't help matters that I needed a nap.
I didn't make it out. I instead watched wrestling, Burn Notice, the end of Robin Williams stand-up on HBO, and Bio-Dome. I guess I wanted to finish up the night with some torture. Nothing really stands out as memorable. Burn Notice was good, but next weeks episode looks better. I did learn how to make a microwave into a bomb though.
I haven't even stepped foot outside today. I was supposed to clean my car off, but didn't get around to it. It just looks like a pile a of snow in a rough car-shape. I'll just have to do it on Sunday. I also keep forgetting that Sunday is the Super Bowl. I have nothing invested in the game. I don't even know where I will watch it. I'll probably just watch it at home.
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