DVD review time.
I haven't been doing much, but I have watch something new. So, instead of ruminating on my boredom of being stuck inside all weekend, I will write about something I watched.
Marvel's last animated giving is Planet Hulk. It's feature length adaptation of a Hulk story-arc from the comics a couple years ago. In fact, it's a Hulk story I feel every one should read. It presents Hulk in a great manner and really tells a great story throughout. The movie wasn't too bad in that respect.
With the desire to change mediums, some things are lost and/or added to any given story. Something that can better help the flow. Overall the movie was good, I only had a couple problems with it.
They did a good job with the intro to the story. They summed up why Hulk had to leave Earth in the same way it is done in the comics. Even the guys that did it are all there, Iron Man, Dr. Strange and Nick Fury. Most of the important stuff is there. That Hulk can be beaten being a main factor. Hulk isn't as tough as he typically is when he shows up. Oh, and there is no Banner.
The thing that bugged me was that there wasn't a couple characters that should have been involved. Even ones that had a pretty important impact in the original comic. The Brood is nowhere to be seen. She isn't even mentioned, even though there are a few brief cameos by other cosmic characters, like Gamorra and Starlord from the Guardians of the Galaxy. I can sort of understand why she isn't there. Her main contribution was sort of taken away when they didn't follow through with Meik's entire story. Meik never matures to the Alpha native, which defeats the usage of the comic ending.
Oh, and there is no Silver Surfer. Apparently, there is some legal reason why he's not there. They instead substitute Beta Rey Bill, of Thor fame. He's not a bad addition, and they definitely make him tough enough. Bill really is a bad ass. He has the power of Thor for Christ's sake, a Norse god.
The ending was cut a bit short compared to the comic as well. I can understand why. In the comic it is definitely a sad ending, with less room for openness. With the ending they chose, the story can really go any way they want it to. The comic directly leads into World War Hulk, and I don't think that is in the cards right now for the next feature animated movie.
It is definitely something worth seeing if you like the animated comic book stuff, especially if you like the Hulk. I think it is one of the better ones Marvel has come out with, but it shies in comparison to the DC stuff. DC just has a better crew designing and developing their animated projects. The extras are pretty cool. I haven't checked out the commentary, but watched the featurettes. They have one that talks about creating the movie, which is how I found out about the Silver Surfer thing. Also, there is another that talks about the comic. They didn't do a whole Hulk review, just the stuff about Planet Hulk. There are a couple motion comics, that just seem weird to me, and a episode of Wolverine and the X-Men featuring the Hulk.
Overall, I would greatly recommend the comic. If you watch the movie first, and liked it, you will probably enjoy the comic. The same goes for the inverse. Planet Hulk is a comic I can sell to anyone looking for something good to read. It is a solid story. The movie is good, but not great.
I want to apologize for this entry. I am tired and under motivated to write right now. It's nearly 4AM and I have work at noon. Also, something is making me feel like my creativity is being sucked out of me.
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