Wednesday, April 07, 2010

News bit.

It's really too late for me to write anything of length. I'll just say that Easter was good an bad. Good in that it was a nice day and seeing family was good. People generally got along, and even my mother and father were in the same room for extended lengths of time. The bad news is that this comes in the wake of my Aunt Trudy succumbing to cancer at 2am on Sunday.

I will write more on this in a bit. To be honest the reality of it hasn't really hit me yet. She was only 54, and usually in good spirits. Her funeral is Friday, so I have off from work. I will write soon, I hope.


LCB said...

awe jeez Kev
that sucks
sorry for your loss

Eric said...

sorry to hear this man... this is awful

Reggie Bugmuncher said...

im sorry kev.
54 is way too young.