I hate politics.
I seriously do. I don't really understand it. I get weirded out by anyone who follows any person for whatever reason. I can understand in a military setting following a superior officer. They just have more experience in what your doing. In politics, it just seems like a popularity contest.
I didn't like student council votes when I was in school. I don't like actual elections now, Granted, I like voting because I have the freedom and ability to do so. It is a slight satisfaction that when whoever gets elected screws-up, it will be because the nation put him/her there. It won't be because they were born into it.
I never tell anyone who I am voting for in any election. It come up today in a conversation. A couple of guys were in talking about journalism. One is the editor of his college newspaper and the other used to work with him, but has since moved onto other things. They brought up that it is journalistic integrity to not show bias toward one candidate or another. While that is appropriate for journalists and people who supposed relay the Truth, it's not exactly my reason for withholding my nomination.
The main reason I don't tell anyone is because it is none of their damn business. The second reason is because no matter what, an argument will brew. Granted, I am pretty non-confrontational, but politics just brings out the anger and meanness of everyone.
When I stand there at the polls, I look over the different choices. I have been doing this in every election an primary I could since I registered to vote. I read the names and positions of the people who want my vote, who will make the choices of this country, because my voice is too small by itself. I look and I think, "Who is going to screw me the least?"
A wash comes over me and a thought graces my mind, "Why do I always have to choose a lesser evil?... Why can't I just vote for Cthulhu?"
I remember I can. There is a write in slot. He's a dark horse though.
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