I'm in a pretty good mood for the moment. I just found a collection of the Puppet Master movies from Full Moon Pictures. I used to have a weird fascination with Full Moon. I have seen many of their earlier stuff during my high school years. I even have some of the toys they put out. The main problem I kept running into was that I couldn't find the Puppet Master series anywhere. It has been out of print for years. Most of the Full Moon line is actually out of print. Since I have only been to one horror convention, and it slipped my mind when I was actually there, I don't have them on dvd. that is about to change though.
Thanks to the wonders of the internet, I have found nine movies. The Puppet Master movies are the most well known of the Full Moon movies. Every year, AMC (American Movie Classics) runs a Monsterfest (Fearfest, now)where they show horror movies leading till Halloween. Every year, they find some instance to throw the first Puppet Master in there. It is a classic in every sense of the word. It is a wonder of stop-motion animation and actaully developed some techniques of film-making. I eagerly await watching them all.
Now, I just hope my dvd-burner is up to the task.
I watched the puppet master movie I dont know when I was like 12 or 13...as far as Im concerned way too early. I think it was responsible for a distinct un-easiness I feel...well most of the time.
Im shocked you couldnt just borrow them from Paul Diem
nice. wish i had an extra 100 to throw down on this.
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