Well, I went as The Riddler to a friend's Halloween party last weekend. I have a couple pics of me as it, but nothing outrageous. The Riddler is a Batman villain from the comics. Jim Carry portrayed him in the almost better left forgotten Batman Forever. I went with a more classic, slightly improvisational interpretation. I don't think I can pull off the spandex.
Most of the stuff I hand-made, or rather added onto. The hat was from a Halloween store, and I spray-painted it green. The ribbon and question mark were aquired from a arts and crafts store. Design, cutting and hot glue later attached them. My tie was from a cheap department store. I added fake gems from the arts and crafts store to put the question mark on it. The mask was purchused from a costume store, but I attempted modifying it, and failed. That's why it looks a little strange. The cane was actually shaped, welded, and painted by my brother. It is completely metal, rather light, and can put a hurtin' on someone if need be.
I attempted to go with a whole green suit, but couldn't find one that seemed right. I still may pick one up if I see it. One of these days, I'll have a room full of costume stuff based on comic characters. I already have stuff for the Jack Knight Starman and Wesley Dodds Sandman.
Halloween has yet to arrive. I actually have off Thursday, so I may attempt a final run at costuming. I would like to get gloves and probabkly a new mask. I have contemplated dressing up for work, but may not. If I go anywhere else for the holiday, I'll probably dress up as well. We shall see.

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