Well, it's been a while since I have written anything. I am a lazy bastard. It's late at night, or early morning depending on when you keep track of time. I just watched the new Star Trek for the first time. I am finally listening to a mix I got from a regular from work. It's eclectic, and 5 discs, so I have a lot ahead of me. On to the show...
Snowpocopylpse Part 2: Ramifications!
When I last wrote here, it was a Monday night, and the previous afternoon, I left work for a few hours due to evacuation. I haven't written for a while for various reasons. Some of them for sheer procrastination on my part, and others for lack of having the computer access to do it. Despite all my attributes, I cannot type in the dark. I am a glorified hunt-and-pecker.
So, Tuesday was interesting at work. It was the only day in a span of six that the mall was open all of it's hours. Part one shows days one through three, Wednesday was closed due to snow and Thursday was a late opening. Tuesday was interesting because of the conversations created by little ol' me.
As I was handling my typical work stuff, (I can't remember exactly what it was, all I know is that I was behind the counter) my boss calls over to me. He said, "Kevin, I have to chastise you." He didn't say it with any malice that I could determine, so I was just confused. He was on the phone and talking with someone...obviously. He is usually on the phone, so it could have been any number of people on the other end.
When he got off, he walked towards me and stated, "This is me chastising you." Still puzzled I wondered what I did. He said that apparently my statements on my blog were incorrect. At first I thought, why is my boss reading my blog? Then I thought, what did I write that was incorrect? Most blogging is personal and opinion. Facts don't really come into play a lot when it comes to personal voice. My boss then told me that it wasn't him that read it, it was Aubry, the Marketing Director of the mall where I work.
It is at this point where I want to greet my new reader. Hello, Aubry. I didn't think this thing had any legs, but now it is creating stirs at work. If only I could direct this in some advertising capability I could ask your advice.
It turns out that apparently, Aubry has a program that sifts out any mention of the mall. The program is through Google, and since this blog site is run by Google, it only makes sense that it would get priority in selection. The mall took a huge hit with the press over the last week. With two evacuations in as many days, there was quite some negativity being thrown about. With today's access to the Internet, just about anyone can voice their opinion. Like me and this here blog.
It was then time to try and determine what the hell I said that was false. I couldn't think of anything off the top of my head. Most things I write tend to just end their life on the screen after I successfully purged it from my brain. My boss asked to see the blog, in an effort to find the culprit. He was.
Granite Run Mall's management is completely inept and has no real proper response to an emergency.This is what I could come up with. Now, I fully understand that the mall has an emergency response plan. I have seen the papers handed out to the stores with the proper routs and such for an evacuation. The problem is that, the mall didn't implement any of this when the mall was evacuated.
So, I hold true that inept is a proper description for the mall management. I was evacuated when a firefighter came to my store and told me to leave. No mall representative was there to tell me anything. Even if the evacuation was called by the township and not the mall, since the mall falls within the township, the mall should have announced the evacuation.
My guess is that the mall just wants us all to die so it can loot our bodies.
Even when speaking with other managers of other mall stores, they didn't think any mall emergency plan was enacted. And if the carbon monoxide is false, that's what other news sources are stating it was. It could have been just diesel fumes, which could injure people just the same. Still, it was something that the mall knew about and took their time in letting anyone else know.
No mall representatives speaking of the incident that caused the evacuations. My boss tried to get answers, but they just clam up.
People aren't going to the already struggling mall with new like this. Hell, it really doesn't help that employees of the two video game stores in the mall were sick and couldn't open the stores. This was even Tuesday. I didn't see one of the workers there until Thursday.
Thank God, the mall is across the street from a hospital.
"My guess is that the mall just wants us all to die so it can loot our bodies."
I only pray they dont try to strong arm you into removing the offending posts.
Fight the Power, Kev
if they need a new or someone to make sure they are acted on, pretty please drop my name. i need a job
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