Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Compressed Noodles

My mind is a clusterfuck.

So much crap is jammed in there. It's like a train station that just had every departing train delayed. Constant movement without anyone going anywhere. I should ask for a refund.

All these thoughts and such swirl in my brain, trying to escape. They can't. I don't have the proper facilities to accommodate them. They fester and corrode my mind. They give me headaches.

I need an outlet. A proper place to vent. A time to blow off the steam that is my silence. I can't talk about my mind. It could hurt people. It could explode and potentially damage the property value of 3 square blocks, at the very least.

My brain hurts. Maybe sleep will help with that. If that fails, I guess it's time to resort to more drastic measures...like Advil.

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