Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Thinking Pt. 1

I am trying to think of a theme for a blog. I figure with a theme, it will give direction. With direction, I will have a thing to focus on to actually write. It's almost like in school when I was assigned to write papers. I knew what it had to be on, so I wrote about a particular topic. I'm trying to figure out that topic now.

Since this here blog is a cluster-fuck of craziness and ramblings, I figure I will leave it that way. No point in trying to switch format now. For the most part I use this thing just to throw ideas on the web. Sometimes it gets read, other times I think it just wastes the infinite space of the interwebs. With a more focused approach, I think I could write more often. Random, inane bullshit would still wind up here. I need a ranty voice as well. I just want to see if I can find something I would want to write.

I have no idea what this new venture could bring. I could decide to write on things I know, but I know a lot about nothing and nothing about everything. That's not true. My general interests are mainly entertainment and why people entertain. I do like knowing why people do the things they do, but I also like the things they do.

Who knows what could come of this? Could be something, could be nothing. I guess I'll have to write and just see what life comes from it.

Next up: Muse.

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