I've been ignoring this blog a lot recently. I have no real excuse. Lack of inspiration at the time of writing is the problem. I'll be at work and a cool idea will pop into my head, but leaves shortly when there is no way to write it down.
For an update, at the moment, I am attempting another new mix. No set theme at the moment. It might just be stuff I started to listen to this year. Last year, I made a New Year mix, and even burn a bunch of copies for people, but never gave them out to anyone. This year, i will with hold the burning in favor of just enjoying a mix for me. Personal things and all.
It may even be a double CD mix, but I will probably tri it down to just one whenever I settle on a theme. So far, there is stuff all over the place with many song being things that I like from the radio.
I am also supposedly writing a script for a friend of mine. He's looking for portfolio pieces in comci sequential art. It's only to be about 6 pages, so I am trying to wrap my head around an idea that condense. You have to figure it's a standard 6 panel grid, so it's 36 panels to work with, but that doesn't include expansive panel layouts and cheesecake shots. I'll think of something. I just need an idea with minimal characters and simple story taht could be told with little or no dialog.
Christmas was fine. Had most of my family over for dinner and such. Nowhere to hide. I got some gift cards, a video game, lots of clothes and a GPS unit.
New Years Eve should be interesting to say the least. I have a love hate relationship with the end of the year. I look forward to new prospects, but hate the hype of the end of the year party. Too many expectations.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Monday, December 07, 2009
Sound of Silence
See, the weird thing is that I had plenty of time and topics to write abut over the last week. I just didn't have a functioning computer with internet access to actually compose my thoughts. It's kind of sad that I resort my self to technology as a crutch to write.
In any case, I guess it's time for an update.
It is solidly in the Christmas season at work. Hours officially changed with Black Friday, but now are staring to effect me. See, for the first few weeks, only weekends were really effected, with opening early and staying open late. Now, this week, the whole week has early openings and late closings. My Wednesday is going to suck, since it is then that I both open and close. In fact I have to go in before open to get work done then. I'm going to need some Red Bulls or something.
My Thanksgiving was all right. It was vastly different than past years. Instead of my home playing host to my immediate family, I joined my mom in center city Philadelphia for an extended family Thanksgiving. My brother was married on the next day, so with his wife's family in from another state, they had Thanksgiving dinner at the hotel were the wedding was to be held. It's strange having such a classic meal with menu options. Don't worry, I had the turkey choice. It was good, but nothing like a home cooked meal. I am also surprised how many people actually go out to eat for Thanksgiving. There was over 100 reservations for the hotel restaurant. Granted our party was most of it, but it still seems like a lot.
My brother, Chris, was married on Black Friday. This was significant because it gave me the greatest excuse (aside from a death) to not have to be at work. An added bonus was the extended days off, my first 4 day weekend/vacation since I was sick in January 2008. It was a good ceremony. It seemed non-denominational. They aren't actively practicing anything that I know of. Still, it was good to see all of my family. It is an extremely rare occasion when even my immediate family is all in one place. I talked with cousins, and generally had a good time. I drank and danced and tried my best to ignore my coming sickness. It never fails that I get sick to some degree whenever I am away from work for extended time.
Saturday started day one of house sitting. Since my brother was recently married and heading to a honeymoon in Belize, I was drafted to house sit and watch his cat, Blue. To describe it in a word, I would use "lonely". I didn't have a computer to connect with he outside world, so I settled for ondemand television and seasons of old TV on DVD. I finished up Generation Kill, Fear Itself and The Adventures of Brisco County Junior. I also brought my Xbox 360 to hook up to the HD television... Well, I hoped to at least.
The cords I had were for standard definition. I thought they may work in some capacity anyway. even if I didn't have the ful HD experience, I could at least connect it to the the internet and play some Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 online. Hell, with the new Xbox updates, I could even check my twitter and Facebook accounts. I held out for a day and headed to Gamestop the following afternoon. There I broke down and bought the HDMI cables needed for full High def experience. That was a good $50 right there. Then I headed to RadioShack and grabbed a 3ft ethernet cord for $10. I was in a good mood. I was going to waste away the rest of my solitude filled nights with mass killing of virtual people. I opend the packaging for the HDMI cable and set to connect it to the TV. Were the cable now connected to the TV, it didn't connect to the Xbox. Apparently, I have an early model that didn't support HDMI. Well, there's wasted money. Instead of getting too annoyed, I opted to attach the Xbox to the TV that was in the bedroom I was staying in. It didn' have internet access, but at least I could get some use out of it. I resorted to played a couple nights of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.
Now, if you read this blog with any frequency, you may have perused the one written about the date I had. It was fun. We went out a couple times over the next few weeks. We talked nearly everyday. Then Thanksgiving came, and there was silence. With attempted phone calls and text messages left unanswered, I am just assuming the worst. I just have no idea what the hell happened. I'm not going to try calling again until I hear something back. There are other things I should be focusing on, like Christmas.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Project: Mix CD
I spent the last couple hours doing something I should have done a long time ago. For the past few years (read this as about 8 or so) I have been making mix CDs. Before that, it was the mix tape because I didn't have a computer capable of burning CDs . Since I have purchused a new computer, I have yet to re-synch my iPod with it. See, my iPod still has the track listings of most of the mixes that were on my original computer before it broke on me. Now, I am going through those playlists and making a hard list of the songs in case I ever need to make them again.
One of the unfortuneate things is that all of the mixes I have mde aren't represented digitally on my iPod. For that I need to rediscover the actual burned discs I created oh so many years ago.
For the past few years, a group of friends, collectively known as The Schmibb, have been making mix CDs and sharing them with each other. I have done this with them as well. They have produced a grand variety of mixes that I still listen to this day. It's nice that there can be some purpose behind the whole mix CD thing. My only problem with it is that my direction toward these shared mix parties usually makes me think of something either obscure or something to fill their tastes. I personally think some of my favorite mixes I have made tend to be personal, even to the point of just being songs I like at the time.
For example, here is the track listing for one I did probably about 5 years ago. It was around the time the Sin City movie had it's trailer being shown by my seeking out and using the song from the commercial as the opening track.
Kevin 3
The Servent – Cells
Phantom Planet – Big Brat
Sparta – Breaking The Broken
The Killers – Mr. Brightside
Sunny Day Real Estate – Seven
Hum – Stars
Keane – Somewhere Only We Know
Muse – Hysteria
Foo Fighters – The One
Dashboard Confessional – Vindicated
Queens Of The Stone Age – Little Sister
The Mars Volta – The Widow
Interpol – Evil
My Chemical Romance – I'm Not Okay
Beck – Epro
Pavement – Stereo
Red Hot Chili Peppers – Soul to Squeeze
Harvey Danger – Flagpole Sitta
Living Colour – Cult of Personality
Nine Inch Nails – The Line Begins to Blur
I know. It's such a snazzy title for a mix CD, right? It's Kevin 3 because I made 2 before that. The problem is they were never on my old computer and from my iMAC days. God, I haven't used that thing in forever. It's 9GB hard drive shies in comparison to today's 1TB semi-standard. Still, I have the CDs for them. I have to reliste and transcribe the songs. I'm going to have trouble with the second one. It has a few sound clips from various shows throughout. I think I still have all of them somewhere.
Eventually, I will have them all transcribed. I may even be brazen enough to dig through my mix tapes and attempt a similar thing. That's really going to show some age.
Friday, November 06, 2009
In which our hero reveals stuff.
I haven't written anything in nearly a month. See, I had this neat idea where since it's my 101st post here, I would treat it like a syllabus or things about me section. That's probably not going to happen though. I'm not quite sure how to start something that off. Instead, you get me just banging on keys.
I wouldn't say my distraction away from the whole blog thing was because of more interesting matters. For the most part, I just attribute it to laziness. I never said I was the most proactive when it came to the extra curriculars. Hell, I was really in any clubs in high school or college. I should have been, but shied away for probably stupid reasons.
This weekend is shaping up to be pretty good. After a full and interesting Halloween weekend, the follow up constitutes extensions from the Halloween bash as well as precursors to others. To start I have a date on Friday. Sadly, this didn't spring from some smooth note I dropped on a filly, but rather sheer chance and being myself.
Mischief Night was interesting. My plans consisted of heading to my normal watering hole because they were hosting their Halloween party. I dressed in a great stand-by costume I have worn years ago, Run DMC. Track suit, chain, fake Adidas sneakers, and an actual Kangol hat received great response. The night brought many people dancing and such. I sat around the bar and mainly talked with friends. As the evening drove on, things became more relaxed as people overcame inhibition and succumbed to fun. I talked to the current DJ at the time, Kevin, and he told me that if he played Run DMC's "Tricky", I would have to go dance. I told him I would. He put it on right away. No one was on the dance floor, but I was just looking for fun and went to dance anyway. chance happened that a girl dressed as Goldilocks started dancing with me. We talked, moved off the dance floor after I was finished lookin'-a-fool. Numbers were eventually exchanged and diner food was to be had.
That's all you're getting for now.
Saturday is a full event. My brother, Chris, is getting hitched on Black Friday. So, his best man, my brother Matt, is throwing the bachelor party. For a nominal fee, I get to head into Philly with a gaggle of guys to apparently learn some stuff through a historic tour. Now, knowing Matt, historical could mean Philadelphia landmarks, like the Liberty Bell and such, or could easily transpire as the oldest bars in the area. The evening will consist of apparently standard bachelor fare, with a trip of debauchery where you can't touch the goods, but they can touch you. Fortunately, I am staying in the city for the night for safety reasons. I have no excuse not to get crazy, right?
Currently, as I type, Fiona Apple is playing in the background. I'm trying to envision where I should take my date (no you aren't even getting a name). We have discussed a couple things, but I believe dinner will be first. Some establishment in Media, will more than likely be the venue. After the meal, we will play it by ear, or as long as my wallet holds out. Depending on how she drinks could be a long night, or a very short one. I know I don't need much in the way of alcohol for a good time. Hell, I think my intoxication will come solely from just being out on the town with someone wanting to have a good time with me.
I wouldn't say my distraction away from the whole blog thing was because of more interesting matters. For the most part, I just attribute it to laziness. I never said I was the most proactive when it came to the extra curriculars. Hell, I was really in any clubs in high school or college. I should have been, but shied away for probably stupid reasons.
This weekend is shaping up to be pretty good. After a full and interesting Halloween weekend, the follow up constitutes extensions from the Halloween bash as well as precursors to others. To start I have a date on Friday. Sadly, this didn't spring from some smooth note I dropped on a filly, but rather sheer chance and being myself.
Mischief Night was interesting. My plans consisted of heading to my normal watering hole because they were hosting their Halloween party. I dressed in a great stand-by costume I have worn years ago, Run DMC. Track suit, chain, fake Adidas sneakers, and an actual Kangol hat received great response. The night brought many people dancing and such. I sat around the bar and mainly talked with friends. As the evening drove on, things became more relaxed as people overcame inhibition and succumbed to fun. I talked to the current DJ at the time, Kevin, and he told me that if he played Run DMC's "Tricky", I would have to go dance. I told him I would. He put it on right away. No one was on the dance floor, but I was just looking for fun and went to dance anyway. chance happened that a girl dressed as Goldilocks started dancing with me. We talked, moved off the dance floor after I was finished lookin'-a-fool. Numbers were eventually exchanged and diner food was to be had.
That's all you're getting for now.
Saturday is a full event. My brother, Chris, is getting hitched on Black Friday. So, his best man, my brother Matt, is throwing the bachelor party. For a nominal fee, I get to head into Philly with a gaggle of guys to apparently learn some stuff through a historic tour. Now, knowing Matt, historical could mean Philadelphia landmarks, like the Liberty Bell and such, or could easily transpire as the oldest bars in the area. The evening will consist of apparently standard bachelor fare, with a trip of debauchery where you can't touch the goods, but they can touch you. Fortunately, I am staying in the city for the night for safety reasons. I have no excuse not to get crazy, right?
Currently, as I type, Fiona Apple is playing in the background. I'm trying to envision where I should take my date (no you aren't even getting a name). We have discussed a couple things, but I believe dinner will be first. Some establishment in Media, will more than likely be the venue. After the meal, we will play it by ear, or as long as my wallet holds out. Depending on how she drinks could be a long night, or a very short one. I know I don't need much in the way of alcohol for a good time. Hell, I think my intoxication will come solely from just being out on the town with someone wanting to have a good time with me.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Do Something
This is my 100th post on this blog since I created it.
This is the first blog I have written since I bought my new computer, which is already giving me problems. This is even typed on a fresh keyboard less then a week old.
I felt the need that I should write something. I haven't written anything in a while, but that is typical for me. If you were to actually go through all the blogs I have actually posted, either here or on Myspace, you will see a trend of prattle about how I don't know what to write. This is entirely accurate because I seeming lack direction. I don't know where I am going or what I am going to do. The funny thing is that I am not rout with depression. Typically that hits people with writers block. I am starting to think that I don't have writer's block, but rather lack of focus.
The past couple weeks, friends of mine have started to post again on their respective blogs. This was sort of a wake-up call. If they felt they could return to the land of cyber-journalism, why the hell couldn't I?
The summer saw an internet drought. People just stopped communicating for a while. Maybe everyone discovered the wonders of Facebook, I know I did. I started a page and nearly became obsessed with it on a daily basis. It was almost to the point where I needed to read the status updates of people. Hell, for the longest time I had a tab on my browser open to Facebook in case there was a status update or god-willing a personal notification. I closed it for this writing because I knew it was going to be a distraction.
Then a week or so ago, I opened my RSS feeder, and there were updates from people. Granted the standard, "celebrity" blogs still showed, but the personal blogs of people I have actually visited the homes of were there as well. It was like they didn't even skip a beat from where they left off many months ago. From stories of work hardships and the wonderments of trying not to date, to the expiditions of a mother and excitement for a new book, the screen glowed. With both feet they jumped in. Why shouldn't I attempt the same?
There in lies the problem, though. I don't feel I am particularly interesting. I even asked a friend of mine a couple weekends ago why they even bother with me, I don't do anything. I don't live an exciting life. I don't do interesting things. He just told me that I don't give myself enough credit. This is probably true. He also said that I can at least hold a conversation, and sometimes that's all one needs.
Now, I still don't think I have any real structure to this whole blog thing. I'm not going to write about the club scene or how to make a brownie pudding cake. I'm not even going to focus on comic books, wresting and/or video games, things I know something about. I feel there are better, well more informed sites for that. So, for now, I will stick with simple entertainment. I am going to write about whatever I want to. Whether it's the day I had at work or a drunken night at the bar, and the mistakes I made, I will just write. I will attempt though to keep a steady voice and shovel in my attempts at humor. While I may fall flat on my face, I will still try and Do Something.
This is the first blog I have written since I bought my new computer, which is already giving me problems. This is even typed on a fresh keyboard less then a week old.
I felt the need that I should write something. I haven't written anything in a while, but that is typical for me. If you were to actually go through all the blogs I have actually posted, either here or on Myspace, you will see a trend of prattle about how I don't know what to write. This is entirely accurate because I seeming lack direction. I don't know where I am going or what I am going to do. The funny thing is that I am not rout with depression. Typically that hits people with writers block. I am starting to think that I don't have writer's block, but rather lack of focus.
The past couple weeks, friends of mine have started to post again on their respective blogs. This was sort of a wake-up call. If they felt they could return to the land of cyber-journalism, why the hell couldn't I?
The summer saw an internet drought. People just stopped communicating for a while. Maybe everyone discovered the wonders of Facebook, I know I did. I started a page and nearly became obsessed with it on a daily basis. It was almost to the point where I needed to read the status updates of people. Hell, for the longest time I had a tab on my browser open to Facebook in case there was a status update or god-willing a personal notification. I closed it for this writing because I knew it was going to be a distraction.
Then a week or so ago, I opened my RSS feeder, and there were updates from people. Granted the standard, "celebrity" blogs still showed, but the personal blogs of people I have actually visited the homes of were there as well. It was like they didn't even skip a beat from where they left off many months ago. From stories of work hardships and the wonderments of trying not to date, to the expiditions of a mother and excitement for a new book, the screen glowed. With both feet they jumped in. Why shouldn't I attempt the same?
There in lies the problem, though. I don't feel I am particularly interesting. I even asked a friend of mine a couple weekends ago why they even bother with me, I don't do anything. I don't live an exciting life. I don't do interesting things. He just told me that I don't give myself enough credit. This is probably true. He also said that I can at least hold a conversation, and sometimes that's all one needs.
Now, I still don't think I have any real structure to this whole blog thing. I'm not going to write about the club scene or how to make a brownie pudding cake. I'm not even going to focus on comic books, wresting and/or video games, things I know something about. I feel there are better, well more informed sites for that. So, for now, I will stick with simple entertainment. I am going to write about whatever I want to. Whether it's the day I had at work or a drunken night at the bar, and the mistakes I made, I will just write. I will attempt though to keep a steady voice and shovel in my attempts at humor. While I may fall flat on my face, I will still try and Do Something.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
To Whom It May Discern
Hey, I haven't written anything in a while. Well, actually, I did write something a couple weeks ago, but I never posted it. I was drinking, which isn't surprising on a weekend. I rambled, which is par for the course. It was probably about loneliness or something similar. It's sort of a reoccurring theme. I like themes.
In any case, I need a new computer. I am borrowing my mom's laptop whenever I can. There is a current desktop... working (if you want to call it that). It does function but has the memory of a can of tuna. Bad analogy. Fish is supposed good for the mind. Still, it can store many gigs of stuff, but can't run two programs at once, like Firefox and Word. Even iTunes is a problem, considering the sound doesn't even work on the thing. Headphones don't even produce. It's like my computer is channeling Marley Madlin.
It exceptionally warm at the moment. Like summer is still grasping at my sweat glands. I remember a few days ago it was almost chilly. I like wearing my sweat-jacket. It has extra pockets.
I have no idea what the hell is planned for my life this weekend. Next weekend, different story. My coworker, Tim, is getting married. As such, I have to work. Granted, I was theoretically invited to attend, but I sacrificed for work. See, Tim is the renter of his place from my boss, i.e. he lives on the same property. That sort of trumps the guy (me) he sees every week. Boss man gets to enjoy the festivities of drunken revelry. This will probably amount to boss drinking a girly drink or two and then flexing his gamer muscles. I am glad I will not witness it. I wish Time the best though. In all likelihood, he is probably trying to say those nuptials soon, so that he can begin prepping his haunted house.
What sucks is that I could have gone paint-balling with my brother, Matt, that Saturday. Also, I will have my place to myself. Mom's in NY for my soon-to-be sister-in-law's one bridal shower. The brother an his girlfriend are heading on a cruse. I get to stay in and probably play Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 if I haven't finished it by then.
Now, I just watch Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog twice. Once was normal, then with the musical commentary, which is just great and has nearly nothing to do with the actual movie. Go watch it.
In any case, I need a new computer. I am borrowing my mom's laptop whenever I can. There is a current desktop... working (if you want to call it that). It does function but has the memory of a can of tuna. Bad analogy. Fish is supposed good for the mind. Still, it can store many gigs of stuff, but can't run two programs at once, like Firefox and Word. Even iTunes is a problem, considering the sound doesn't even work on the thing. Headphones don't even produce. It's like my computer is channeling Marley Madlin.
It exceptionally warm at the moment. Like summer is still grasping at my sweat glands. I remember a few days ago it was almost chilly. I like wearing my sweat-jacket. It has extra pockets.
I have no idea what the hell is planned for my life this weekend. Next weekend, different story. My coworker, Tim, is getting married. As such, I have to work. Granted, I was theoretically invited to attend, but I sacrificed for work. See, Tim is the renter of his place from my boss, i.e. he lives on the same property. That sort of trumps the guy (me) he sees every week. Boss man gets to enjoy the festivities of drunken revelry. This will probably amount to boss drinking a girly drink or two and then flexing his gamer muscles. I am glad I will not witness it. I wish Time the best though. In all likelihood, he is probably trying to say those nuptials soon, so that he can begin prepping his haunted house.
What sucks is that I could have gone paint-balling with my brother, Matt, that Saturday. Also, I will have my place to myself. Mom's in NY for my soon-to-be sister-in-law's one bridal shower. The brother an his girlfriend are heading on a cruse. I get to stay in and probably play Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 if I haven't finished it by then.
Now, I just watch Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog twice. Once was normal, then with the musical commentary, which is just great and has nearly nothing to do with the actual movie. Go watch it.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Weekend Round-Up 8/17/2009
I haven't written anything in forever, which is how most of these things start.
Things to note this past weekend:
Friday: It was a decent day at work. I didn't get some of the stuff done that I wanted to, but it's all right. I can just deal with it tomorrow. Some of the kids showed up and proceeded to kill some of my work boredom with various ridiculousness. I call them kids, but they are going to be freshmen at Temple in a week or two. One of them proceeded to tell me of a Mastodon/Dethklok concert in November. I should actually go to that. It falls on a Sunday at the Electric Factory. I wonder if anyone else is thinking of going.
That night, I attended the Olde City Sideshow at National Mechanics in Philly. I didn't know anyone there aside from the members of the sideshow. The performance was good, though. It was the first time I witnessed the show with a break in the middle, and also the first slip-up. I won't give details, but suggest you see the live performance because you never know what will happen. I hung around late and helped with what little carrying my frame can handle. The city is a bit eerie around 3AM when the streets are populated with the remnants of straggling drunkards.
Saturday: My goal was to just hang out at home and play video games or watch a movie. That didn't happen. I wound up sweating in the heat, mowing my lawn and attempting to do some trimming as well. Almost like clockwork, when I finished, my phone rang. A few friends were heading into Media, PA for a bar trip. I didn't find out till I got over my friend's house that said trip was for some girl's birthday. It wasn't a bad time. Many people showed up, unfortunately none of the friends the birthday girl asked to come, though. I barely knew her, but it being a birthday, bought her first drink. I hate how expensive some bars are that really shouldn't be. A Yuengling Lager should never cost more than $3, especially when there isn't a topless girl in front of me. Still conversations were had. Talks of me possibly trying to cook. The desire to buy a wok. Now, I want Chinese food. The night ended with Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie and late-night McDonalds.
Sunday: I actually had a plan for Sunday. I went to the movies with a friend from work to see District 9. It was a 1PM showing, and I am not used to leaving a movie theater with the sun still out. The movie was good. We talked for a while afterward about comics and such. The shade was nice in the hot weather. The three minutes near our cars felt like I was going to ignite. It was like someone had a voodoo doll of me they were burning in effigy. A trip to Target was in order for cat litter purposes. Unfortunately, no toys were bought. I did pick up a Mastodon CD because I didn't have any, and felt deprived.
When I got home, I was hungry, and asked my mom what she wanted to do for dinner. My brother went with his girlfriend to her parents, so My mom suggested Applebees. I don't think I was ever at Applebees before. We enjoyed the 2 for 20 deal, and it is well worth it. It seemed like half the staff were pretty blondes. It was almost surreal, like carbon copies. The mail-man must have had a good time about 20 years ago.
Sunday night consisted of HBO programming. True Blood was good. Hung was excellent. Entourage was good if only for the Johnny Drama portions. To follow that, it's DVR wrestling... while writing this.
So, there you have it. Words from me to my audience, whomever you are. I'm not making promises of writing more. They always fall through. I will tough promise to attempt more creativity.
Things to note this past weekend:
Friday: It was a decent day at work. I didn't get some of the stuff done that I wanted to, but it's all right. I can just deal with it tomorrow. Some of the kids showed up and proceeded to kill some of my work boredom with various ridiculousness. I call them kids, but they are going to be freshmen at Temple in a week or two. One of them proceeded to tell me of a Mastodon/Dethklok concert in November. I should actually go to that. It falls on a Sunday at the Electric Factory. I wonder if anyone else is thinking of going.
That night, I attended the Olde City Sideshow at National Mechanics in Philly. I didn't know anyone there aside from the members of the sideshow. The performance was good, though. It was the first time I witnessed the show with a break in the middle, and also the first slip-up. I won't give details, but suggest you see the live performance because you never know what will happen. I hung around late and helped with what little carrying my frame can handle. The city is a bit eerie around 3AM when the streets are populated with the remnants of straggling drunkards.
Saturday: My goal was to just hang out at home and play video games or watch a movie. That didn't happen. I wound up sweating in the heat, mowing my lawn and attempting to do some trimming as well. Almost like clockwork, when I finished, my phone rang. A few friends were heading into Media, PA for a bar trip. I didn't find out till I got over my friend's house that said trip was for some girl's birthday. It wasn't a bad time. Many people showed up, unfortunately none of the friends the birthday girl asked to come, though. I barely knew her, but it being a birthday, bought her first drink. I hate how expensive some bars are that really shouldn't be. A Yuengling Lager should never cost more than $3, especially when there isn't a topless girl in front of me. Still conversations were had. Talks of me possibly trying to cook. The desire to buy a wok. Now, I want Chinese food. The night ended with Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie and late-night McDonalds.
Sunday: I actually had a plan for Sunday. I went to the movies with a friend from work to see District 9. It was a 1PM showing, and I am not used to leaving a movie theater with the sun still out. The movie was good. We talked for a while afterward about comics and such. The shade was nice in the hot weather. The three minutes near our cars felt like I was going to ignite. It was like someone had a voodoo doll of me they were burning in effigy. A trip to Target was in order for cat litter purposes. Unfortunately, no toys were bought. I did pick up a Mastodon CD because I didn't have any, and felt deprived.
When I got home, I was hungry, and asked my mom what she wanted to do for dinner. My brother went with his girlfriend to her parents, so My mom suggested Applebees. I don't think I was ever at Applebees before. We enjoyed the 2 for 20 deal, and it is well worth it. It seemed like half the staff were pretty blondes. It was almost surreal, like carbon copies. The mail-man must have had a good time about 20 years ago.
Sunday night consisted of HBO programming. True Blood was good. Hung was excellent. Entourage was good if only for the Johnny Drama portions. To follow that, it's DVR wrestling... while writing this.
So, there you have it. Words from me to my audience, whomever you are. I'm not making promises of writing more. They always fall through. I will tough promise to attempt more creativity.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Lack of updates
I think I'm depressed.
Now, I don't think I'm cliniclly depressed or anything. I certainly have some of the same drive I typically have. Also, Sunday tends to be a rather restful day without much excitement. I just think things are kind of low for me.
Sure I just attended a friend's wedding. This could attribute to some feeling of lonliness. I don't believe it's the only factor though. The could make me sluggish. Spending an entire week alone could also do it. I have been watching my brother's place for a week so far, and have yet to have anyone over. I just don't know what kind of fun I could have here as a host for people.
As I was writing this, I distracted myself woth Facebook to scour for ideas. None happened. Instead I succombed to the heat and napped in a chair listening to a videogame podcast. Such is my life.
In any case, I feel like I just exist. You can tell from how boring this blog is as to how boring I feel. Lack of updates just means I feel I haven't done anything interesting.
Now, I don't think I'm cliniclly depressed or anything. I certainly have some of the same drive I typically have. Also, Sunday tends to be a rather restful day without much excitement. I just think things are kind of low for me.
Sure I just attended a friend's wedding. This could attribute to some feeling of lonliness. I don't believe it's the only factor though. The could make me sluggish. Spending an entire week alone could also do it. I have been watching my brother's place for a week so far, and have yet to have anyone over. I just don't know what kind of fun I could have here as a host for people.
As I was writing this, I distracted myself woth Facebook to scour for ideas. None happened. Instead I succombed to the heat and napped in a chair listening to a videogame podcast. Such is my life.
In any case, I feel like I just exist. You can tell from how boring this blog is as to how boring I feel. Lack of updates just means I feel I haven't done anything interesting.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I had a tab open to this window all night with the chance that I may actually write something. I kept getting distracted by other things.
The final distraction was actual work I typically need for my job. Ok, I don't really need it, but it is useful to me. I make a list of everything I think we are getting in to the store comic-wise, along with the appropriate code. I do it to have some resource where I know I can reorder something if I have to. It is partially archaic, but it's all I have. At the moment, there is no universal database for comic reordering. I also don't have direct access to the main distributors excell sheet. I hand write every order on paper and fax it it. Yes, I know how to use a fax machine. My rep on the other end then has to type every code into the appropriate box followed by the right quantity. It is a long process.
I find that I have a tendency to meet people and not get their names. It happened again today. Sadly, it wasn't a woman. It was a guy who works in a similar position to me at a store in DC. He was happy just to gripe to someone who understands.
I am tired and need sleep. My brain isn't functioning properly. It is still clouded by sick fogginess. It is clearing but rest is usually need for regeneration.
The final distraction was actual work I typically need for my job. Ok, I don't really need it, but it is useful to me. I make a list of everything I think we are getting in to the store comic-wise, along with the appropriate code. I do it to have some resource where I know I can reorder something if I have to. It is partially archaic, but it's all I have. At the moment, there is no universal database for comic reordering. I also don't have direct access to the main distributors excell sheet. I hand write every order on paper and fax it it. Yes, I know how to use a fax machine. My rep on the other end then has to type every code into the appropriate box followed by the right quantity. It is a long process.
I find that I have a tendency to meet people and not get their names. It happened again today. Sadly, it wasn't a woman. It was a guy who works in a similar position to me at a store in DC. He was happy just to gripe to someone who understands.
I am tired and need sleep. My brain isn't functioning properly. It is still clouded by sick fogginess. It is clearing but rest is usually need for regeneration.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
I have been neglecting my blog.
I have my reasons.
They may not be good reasons, but, damnit, I have them.
I have my reasons.
They may not be good reasons, but, damnit, I have them.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Facebook: The beginning
I joined Facebook.
I have no idea what to do with it. It is still new to me. Many people have been on the thing for years, and I feel like I was just birthed. I can't even open my eyes to it.
It feels strange. I don't even know what it is capable of. I just don't want to use it as clutter. I want to see how it can be a tool. It is a social network. Increasing the web higher than just two other people is the start.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Joker Sketchbook: 1 Year Later
OK. It's almost time for Wizard World Philly. That means a visit to the Joker Sketchbook.
I originally started the Joker Sketchbook last year. I grabbed it at Hot Topic in the mall where I work. This was about the time right before The Dark Knight was hitting the theaters. Staring at it along with all the other movie merchandise, I came up with an idea. Many people start character sketchbooks. They go to conventions and wherever to meet with established comic artists and ask them to contribute to the book. The end result is to be a great tribute to a certain character. Granted, choosing The Joker is not the most original concept, but my desired contributors are a different choice.
I actually brought it to Wizard World Philly last year. I had only two pieces done in it at the time. I was going to attempt to grab some professional talent while at the convention. I didn't for two reasons: 1) I am cheap, and 2) I am a coward and can't ask a professional artist to draw me something. So, instead of the likely suspects, I chose to focus on artist that I knew personally.
My friend James Colon was actually working at Hot Topic at the time, and sold me the sketchbook. I thought it was only fair to allow him to christen it.

The second was by far the quickest sketch yet, clocking in at only a minute or two. John Baxter was a regular in the store. From talking to him a few times, I knew he liked to draw. I even checked his Myspace for some of his renditions of Daredevil and Superman. He was more than happy to do it, and I was more than happy to let him.

Next up chronologically, was my good friend Ken Miller. I've known Ken for years. We grew up together. He went to art school, and all, so I figured he was an easy fit.

My friend Donald Downie opened up 2009 with his contribution. Another regular at the store, Don is an artist, but mainly works with making jewelery. He asked to contribute, and I happily handed him the book. Don is also a huge Green Lantern fan, and you can see it in his art. Joker is presented with a certain gift that would be very bad were he ever to actually have. Don also gets style points for using a purple glitter pen.

Last, but not least, so far, Greg Taylor claims this isn't finished, but I'm putting it up anyway. Greg is a former Marine and regular at the store. He has aspirations to start his own comic at some point.

So, there you have it. That's all I have in about a year. I haven't decided if I should attempt anything in it. My style isn't very good. It would help if I actually practiced with any regularity. Still, the whole project is just something fun. I wouldn't mind anyone really contributing to the sketchbook as long as they treat it seriously. I don't want stick figures unless that's all you can draw. I hope the work done so far gives people an idea of what I am looking for, which is almost anything.
(I even told Greg he could have done Harley Quinn if he wanted.)
I originally started the Joker Sketchbook last year. I grabbed it at Hot Topic in the mall where I work. This was about the time right before The Dark Knight was hitting the theaters. Staring at it along with all the other movie merchandise, I came up with an idea. Many people start character sketchbooks. They go to conventions and wherever to meet with established comic artists and ask them to contribute to the book. The end result is to be a great tribute to a certain character. Granted, choosing The Joker is not the most original concept, but my desired contributors are a different choice.
I actually brought it to Wizard World Philly last year. I had only two pieces done in it at the time. I was going to attempt to grab some professional talent while at the convention. I didn't for two reasons: 1) I am cheap, and 2) I am a coward and can't ask a professional artist to draw me something. So, instead of the likely suspects, I chose to focus on artist that I knew personally.
My friend James Colon was actually working at Hot Topic at the time, and sold me the sketchbook. I thought it was only fair to allow him to christen it.
The second was by far the quickest sketch yet, clocking in at only a minute or two. John Baxter was a regular in the store. From talking to him a few times, I knew he liked to draw. I even checked his Myspace for some of his renditions of Daredevil and Superman. He was more than happy to do it, and I was more than happy to let him.
Next up chronologically, was my good friend Ken Miller. I've known Ken for years. We grew up together. He went to art school, and all, so I figured he was an easy fit.
My friend Donald Downie opened up 2009 with his contribution. Another regular at the store, Don is an artist, but mainly works with making jewelery. He asked to contribute, and I happily handed him the book. Don is also a huge Green Lantern fan, and you can see it in his art. Joker is presented with a certain gift that would be very bad were he ever to actually have. Don also gets style points for using a purple glitter pen.
Last, but not least, so far, Greg Taylor claims this isn't finished, but I'm putting it up anyway. Greg is a former Marine and regular at the store. He has aspirations to start his own comic at some point.
So, there you have it. That's all I have in about a year. I haven't decided if I should attempt anything in it. My style isn't very good. It would help if I actually practiced with any regularity. Still, the whole project is just something fun. I wouldn't mind anyone really contributing to the sketchbook as long as they treat it seriously. I don't want stick figures unless that's all you can draw. I hope the work done so far gives people an idea of what I am looking for, which is almost anything.
(I even told Greg he could have done Harley Quinn if he wanted.)
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Vampire games
I hate my brother. He got me addicted to some Myspace game called, Vampires. I typically don't like game applications via social networking sites. A lot of them just seem to eat up time and space needlessly.
I find myself with a purpose when logging onto Myspace now. I finally have a reason to return aside from praying desperately for messages from friends (who are all on Facebook now). This Vampires' thing is basically designed to be a time waster, but it has the added incentive to suck cash from those weak willed. Instead of waiting for timers to countdown and refill, you can simply ask the "The Elders" to increase you stats and the like. It would only cost you a certain amount of "Favor Points", which you can spend real hard-earned money for more points. I refuse to do things like that. I have Green Latern willpower. Call me Hal Jordon.
My brother asked me to join because he needs more people in his "Clan". Apparently, you can only accomplish certain missions with a certain amount of backup. You get more clan memebers from getting your friends from Myspace to join. Somehow, my brotehr only had 3 clan member, but when I rolled on, I somehow wound up with over 20. Suddenly, I had a crew.
Now, I just have to bide my time to build up the energy and whatever to allow me to do more missions.
One of the benefits is that it's getting me interested in Vampires again. Things like Twilight killed the concept of vampires for me recently. The whole quiz you have to take to determine the style of vampire you are thankfully included a more freal, almost 30 Days of Night option in its' multiple choice answers. The others tended to be the Twilight and Anne Rice versions of beauty and grace, along with nobility. I find the not so pretty, vicious a little more scary.
I think I may need to dig out my Vampire role-playing game books. I never really read them, but I probably should.
I find myself with a purpose when logging onto Myspace now. I finally have a reason to return aside from praying desperately for messages from friends (who are all on Facebook now). This Vampires' thing is basically designed to be a time waster, but it has the added incentive to suck cash from those weak willed. Instead of waiting for timers to countdown and refill, you can simply ask the "The Elders" to increase you stats and the like. It would only cost you a certain amount of "Favor Points", which you can spend real hard-earned money for more points. I refuse to do things like that. I have Green Latern willpower. Call me Hal Jordon.
My brother asked me to join because he needs more people in his "Clan". Apparently, you can only accomplish certain missions with a certain amount of backup. You get more clan memebers from getting your friends from Myspace to join. Somehow, my brotehr only had 3 clan member, but when I rolled on, I somehow wound up with over 20. Suddenly, I had a crew.
Now, I just have to bide my time to build up the energy and whatever to allow me to do more missions.
One of the benefits is that it's getting me interested in Vampires again. Things like Twilight killed the concept of vampires for me recently. The whole quiz you have to take to determine the style of vampire you are thankfully included a more freal, almost 30 Days of Night option in its' multiple choice answers. The others tended to be the Twilight and Anne Rice versions of beauty and grace, along with nobility. I find the not so pretty, vicious a little more scary.
I think I may need to dig out my Vampire role-playing game books. I never really read them, but I probably should.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Who wants to live forever?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Of Dogs and Men
No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversations as a dog does.
- Christopher Morley (1890 - 1957)
Well, the vet thinks my dog has cancer.
Duncan is a Shetland Sheepdog. I'm not sure as to what his exact age is. (Apparently, it's 12.) He has been a part of my family for a long time. He's never been the most active of the animals at my house, but he became increasingly lethargic in recent days. It was almost overnight, when he started showing signs of sickness. I thought it would have just been a stomach thing. He would want to go out late at night and just lay in the grass, eating it occasionally. Apparently, eating grass isn't bad for a dog. Still, normally, he would bark at the slightest thing while outside, which isn't a great thing when it's 2AM.
In any case, he was taken to the vet this morning, for a $400 visit. X-rays were taken, as was blood and stomach fluid samples. Duncan is at least moving around a bit more. We have some prescriptions for him. One of which is a higher dose steroid than what I am actually on for my gout. With any luck, it's nothing too terrible, and he would eventually get over it.
Signs aren't looking good though. I am not the best when it comes to financial resources. Also, Duncan is already an old dog. (I hate to sound that morbid.) I just don't want him to suffer, and I definitely don't want to put him down prematurely. I watched my cat get put to sleep when I was a lot younger, and I am never seeing that again. I refuse to let my pet die without the dignity of me actually being there.
Well, now I just have to wait for more test results and pray the medication works.
- Christopher Morley (1890 - 1957)
Well, the vet thinks my dog has cancer.
Duncan is a Shetland Sheepdog. I'm not sure as to what his exact age is. (Apparently, it's 12.) He has been a part of my family for a long time. He's never been the most active of the animals at my house, but he became increasingly lethargic in recent days. It was almost overnight, when he started showing signs of sickness. I thought it would have just been a stomach thing. He would want to go out late at night and just lay in the grass, eating it occasionally. Apparently, eating grass isn't bad for a dog. Still, normally, he would bark at the slightest thing while outside, which isn't a great thing when it's 2AM.
In any case, he was taken to the vet this morning, for a $400 visit. X-rays were taken, as was blood and stomach fluid samples. Duncan is at least moving around a bit more. We have some prescriptions for him. One of which is a higher dose steroid than what I am actually on for my gout. With any luck, it's nothing too terrible, and he would eventually get over it.
Signs aren't looking good though. I am not the best when it comes to financial resources. Also, Duncan is already an old dog. (I hate to sound that morbid.) I just don't want him to suffer, and I definitely don't want to put him down prematurely. I watched my cat get put to sleep when I was a lot younger, and I am never seeing that again. I refuse to let my pet die without the dignity of me actually being there.
Well, now I just have to wait for more test results and pray the medication works.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Minas Tirith Done... For Now
Once again, I am very tired.
I am trying to write something because I should. This is one of those times where the desire to write is greater than the ability to write. I can't use lack of topics as an excuse either. I have actually been doing semi-interesting stuff lately. I was building a castle at work.
Here's a slideshow of some of the pics.: Minas Tirith Slideshow
Probably because my constant frustration while working on it, I am actually receiving verbal credit for my efforts. Some of the time, I think I didn't put forth much effort. I didn't create the structure. The I rememebr I did nearly everything else. Most of the detail was me. I carved all the pointy crenelations on the tops of the walls. Ok, I didn't do all of them, maybe 90%. All the good ones are me though. Granted, I used a hotwire and a stencil, but each one is only about 8 inches in length. I lost count on my actual number. I even put most of them on. If there is a lot of repetitive, annoying work, I did it.
I only painted a handful of models at the start of the project. At the time, we weren't sure what we were undertaking. My coworker, Tim, took my finished models and finished them better, so that they actually looked good. He is the store's main painter, so it makes sense.
We initally built the thing for Games Workshop's Games Day Baltimore. It was a big hit apparently. I don't know first hand since I was pulling a double covering for my boss, who was down there. The store wound up snagging two awards: Best Lord of the Rings Club Table; and Best Overall Club Table. The LotR one was almost a gimmie in that there were only 3 other contestants. One of which was using an idea our store used at last year's Games Day. The Overall winner is pretty good though.
Thankfully, I haven't had to deal with the castle since it is back. The crew that went to Baltimore showed up at closing with it. Last minute is their specialty. Currently, my boss has to figure out how to put it into the window display. There will be some construction because the castle is way too big at the moment. We will have to basically remodel the whole area behind the counter. This will not make me happy, which is pretty much par for the course.
At least there are awards to accompany the huge thing in the window.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Vote Team One
A friend of mine, Eric, is a mural painter in Phialdelphia. I am not kidding. He does this stuff for a living. It's pretty cool. There is currently, the Citywide Mural Competition in Philly. There is voting on three different sites for the competition.
Vote for Team One.
Mural Arts Program: This We Believe
6 ABC ( you know... the news)
It's pretty amazing all the detail that is involved with the mural. Eric goes into it more on his blog. I don't want to just copy and paste his stuff.
EricOkdeh.com News
There are even slideshows of the mural design and close-ups of each of the mural panels.
Go vote. He deserves it.Just look at the beauty of that design. Don't you want that in the City of Brotherly Love?
Oh, you can click the image above for a larger, better view of the mural.
Vote for Team One.
Mural Arts Program: This We Believe
6 ABC ( you know... the news)
It's pretty amazing all the detail that is involved with the mural. Eric goes into it more on his blog. I don't want to just copy and paste his stuff.
EricOkdeh.com News
There are even slideshows of the mural design and close-ups of each of the mural panels.
Go vote. He deserves it.Just look at the beauty of that design. Don't you want that in the City of Brotherly Love?
Oh, you can click the image above for a larger, better view of the mural.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Fellowship of Breaking
I am attempting to go crazy over the next week. The signs started showing today.
For the past few days, I have actually felt pretty good. It was almost euphoric. Nothing could drop my spirits, which is saying a lot considering I am mostly a pessimist. I shrugged off nearly every negative thing hurled at me. Most problems were dealt with an, "Oh well", and a smile. That changed around 3PM this afternoon.
Work just really got to me today. I felt the strongest urge to destroy the castle we have been building at the store. Mainly I have been feeling that "I" am building... no "we" involved. As soon as I was leveled with about 16 things to do for the night with about 2 seconds notice, I just welled-up with rage. At one point, trying to screw in crenelation to the wall, my positioning was obstructed by a tower. The tower was graciously placed there by my boss in an effort to add detail, never mind that I had to do work before it should have gone in, now I had to work around it. A screwdriver was thrown. No one was hurt. I just feel all this work is wasted effort. My name won't appear for any credit.
I am trying not to hate Lord of the Rings. I should re-watch the movies. I have all the extended editions, and haven't even watched the 3rd one, Return of the King, in it's extended form yet. Apparently, it is the best one with additional material, like the Mouth of Sauron.
I decided to play to my loves. I thought it would be in my best, sane interest to contribute with something that I like to the store. So, I found a bunch of Lord of the Rings soundtracks to bring in to listen to while working. At the momnet, there is only the Fellowship of the Ring CD at the store, and I am sick of it. I figure showing up with about 6 more CDs worth of Balrog-slaying music could change the atmosphere.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Free Comic Book Day 2009
For the 4 of you that read this, and the one of you that may pay attention:
Free Comic Book Day is this Saturday.
For the past few years, the first Saturday in May promotes literacy. As the doors fling open and the gates go up, hundreds, if not thousands of comics will readily be available to the public for FREE! Show up at a participating store or location, and grab yourself some cool reading.
Common misconceptions:
- Not every comic book in the store is free.
- You do not just get to pick anything and take it for free.
- Don't be a jerk and take more than one of any title. I don't care if it may go up in value.
- Just because we didn't get enough copies of your independent free comic, don't whine.
- The comic book stores do actually have to pay for these things. It's at a reduced rate, but the comic book store owners agree to hand them out for free.
Here is a list of some of the free comics (Marvel and DC Comics tend to do 2 freebies each):
- Archie Comics: Archie Presents: The Mighty Archie Art Players
- BOOM! Studios: Disney/Pixar’s Cars
- Bongo Comics: 2009 Free For All
- Dark Horse Comics: Star Wars: Clone Wars
- DC Comics: Blackest Night #0 and DC Kids Mega Sampler
- IDW Publishing: Transformers Animated/G.I. Joe
- Image Comics: Savage Dragon #148
- Oni Press: Resurrection #0
- Marvel Comics: The Avengers and Wolverine: Origin of an X-Man
- Viz Media: Shonen Jump Presents: Ultimo
There really is stuff in there for everyone. That is not even a complete list of comic available. I particularly like the attention to the younger reader comics because they tend to be better stories. Many of today's most prolific writers got their start writing the "kids' books". DC Comics tends to win out in that vein. Other comics are media tie ins' that showcase the company with a license of other media, like Disney's Cars, and the GI Joe/Transformer stuff. Dark Horse is even coming out with a new Aliens comic for it. Oh, and if you didn't know, Bongo Comics is almost solely Simpsons related.
So, please, if you can, make it out to your local, supporting comic books shop for some free stuff. Once and a while they even have events to coincide with the "holiday."
My store won't have any real events because we aren't a real comic book store in my opinion. We will have a ton of free books for people though.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I am easily distracted at the moment. It's like many things suddenly turned into shiny objects that my raccoon brain must pay attention to at the moment.
It happens a lot at work. It may seem like multitasking, and part of it is, but I really just keep switching focus. From placing an order, to doing inventory, to building a huge castle out of foam, I was doing it all. I even found time to price and shelve an order. Isn't my day exciting?
I have been meaning to write something for a while. The ideas just aren't germinating. This is an excuse after all. I attempted to start reading more dense literature, which means those books without pictures. The bulk of my silent knowledge comes from comic books and magazines. Now, if only those magazines were news sources for global events and not upcoming video games. The bulk of my creative output comes during work.
Being in a comic book store means people who come in there like to read comics. Many times, conversations grow about different things. Sometimes it's "can this character beat that character" or whatever the new comic movie comic out will be like. I almost have to play devil's advocate at times as to why certain things occur the way they do. Some times it is fun, and other times I just want to strangle the fanboy who won't listen.
I think I wasted enough time. My mind is shutting off as my television calls to me. There is only so much late night tv I can take before I have to hurt something.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Someone said I don't post here often. I would have to agree.
I need some time away from moving pictures at the moment. So, for the moment, I am listening to a gaming podcast while attempting to write something. I was playing Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection for the Xbox 360. It's a lot of fun. Probably the best $30 I spent recently. I finished up a game called Beyond Oasis, which I started just to grab an achievement. It's sort of like Zelda in that it is an action adventure game with a fantasy theme. Parts of it were frustrating in that they didn't really show you where to go. I did a lot of backtracking and roaming around. It was fun, but easy at the end.
I have been in a wrestling mood lately. It started a couple weeks ago leading up the Wrestlemania. My friend, Ken, came down from NYC to go to a wrestling show here in Philly. Granted, Ken is originally from Philly, but a live show with a respectable price at the old ECW Arena is rather enticing. Ken and I were joined by a third, John. Ring of Honor snagged a recent television deal, and we just happened to be on the second night of a two part TV taping. Lot of action and a lot of fun. No slow points.
Other than that, I really want to pick up Samckdown vs. Raw 2009, to link both the videogame stuff with the wrestling stuff. They just released more downloadable content for it too. Before the extra content was a couple current "superstars". The current addition is more retro. When the list of new wrestlers includes Doink the Clown, it's almost a must buy.
I really didn't do much this Saturday. I played some games, watched friday's Samckdown because I missed it do to "Out Drinking", and generally just sat around. I didn't really have anywhere to go that wouldn't suck the money from my wallet. I had enough sucked out today due to car insurance.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Remembered Faces, Forgotten Names
I went to a sort of neighborhood reunion on Saturday night. It was advertised a bit on places like Myspace and Facebook, I believe. I saw it only because a friend posted on a forum.
It was a night of remembered faces and forgotten names. Most of the people I recognized were from high school. It was no one I really associated with in high school though. I was never the social butterfly. It came through again that night. I only jumped into conversations when people I knew were already talking with someone I didn't. I don't quite know how to approach some one when it comes to a reunion aspect of familiarity. "Hi, I remember you from when we were in high school. We didn't have any of the same classes, none of the same friends, and probably said only two words the four years we were there together. How are you?"
I don't think I could pick out any of the guys from the yearbook. It doesn't surprise me that I recognized the girls most of all. Hell, it's what I used to look at the most while I was there anyway. If only they felt obligated to break out the old school uniforms. That would have been something.
For the most part, it wasn't a terrible night. Granted I didn't go home with anyone or grab any numbers for future conversations, but that's par for the course. A few people I haven't seen in a while did show up to my surprise. The air was thick with smoke and old school rap. There were many people there I didn't care to deal with and plenty that I wouldn't mind getting to know better. Sadly, I am not entirely forthcoming with the whole ice-breaker thing. The setting seemed almost too forced.
My friend Bill had no problem reintroducing himself to people. He's a loud personality that likes an audience. He was all about mingling as much as possible. I believe his theory was that if he ever met you once, he would try and make sure you remember him this time around. I think it worked on a few unfortunate souls.
The night ended with an escape from the parking lot followed by a trip to Denny's with some friends. That part was so great for me. A half hour wait to be seated is fine. Almost an hour wait for our food to show, not so good. Worse still, my food dropped last while everyone else was finishing theirs. I don't think I will be returning to Denny's any time soon.
Friday, March 20, 2009
3 things on my mind
I am feeling better. It took a solid 13 or so hours of sleeping to rid most of the sickness. Now, I just have the aftermath symptoms to get expelled.
Sadly, I have to work this weekend. I usually don't have to work on Saturday, but I have to make an exception this weekend. My coworker and he fiance are heading to the mountains for a get away. I thought I would be nice and cover his shift. Thankfully, it is only a morning shift till around 3PM. One of the only problems is that I have to cover a painting class, alone. There would normally be help, but the store is also running a tournament in another storefront, so the bossman will be over there for the most part. I just hope the kids realize that I don't paint. They are usually pretty good teaching each other anyway.
I started trying to get more people to add to my Joker sketchbook. On of the customers at the store has it at the moment. He asked if it was ok to have him look like the Heath Ledger Joker. I told him just to do whatever he wanted. That's the whole point of the thing. I want artists' interpretation of who/what the Joker is. Sure, he is just a comic character, and some people envision certain artists' renditions as the actual Joker. Ultimately, I just want whatever comes from the artist doing the drawing at the moment his/her pen hits paper. The most recent addition was from another customer at the store, Don Downie. He's a huge Green Lantern fan, so he drew Joker getting a yellow, Sinestro Corps ring. It even has a purple glitter pen coloring of Joker's suit. It's pretty cool and definitely fits the cartoony style. While Don is an artist, his main trade is jewelry. You can view some of his work here: Spiral Acorn Jewelry.
Currently, I am listening to part of the Watchmen soundtrack. Specifically, Pruit Igoe & Prophecies by the Philip Glass Ensemble. I like the piece. I feel it fits within the movie and evokes a lot of emotion. It's the type of song and music that gets me thinking. Part of it inspires me to write. Granted, it doesn't particularly help in writing random things on a blog, but maybe something more creative. I do have something rattling in my brain that wants to get out. I just have to give it the proper outlet for escape. That just means dedicating time to it.
Sadly, I have to work this weekend. I usually don't have to work on Saturday, but I have to make an exception this weekend. My coworker and he fiance are heading to the mountains for a get away. I thought I would be nice and cover his shift. Thankfully, it is only a morning shift till around 3PM. One of the only problems is that I have to cover a painting class, alone. There would normally be help, but the store is also running a tournament in another storefront, so the bossman will be over there for the most part. I just hope the kids realize that I don't paint. They are usually pretty good teaching each other anyway.
I started trying to get more people to add to my Joker sketchbook. On of the customers at the store has it at the moment. He asked if it was ok to have him look like the Heath Ledger Joker. I told him just to do whatever he wanted. That's the whole point of the thing. I want artists' interpretation of who/what the Joker is. Sure, he is just a comic character, and some people envision certain artists' renditions as the actual Joker. Ultimately, I just want whatever comes from the artist doing the drawing at the moment his/her pen hits paper. The most recent addition was from another customer at the store, Don Downie. He's a huge Green Lantern fan, so he drew Joker getting a yellow, Sinestro Corps ring. It even has a purple glitter pen coloring of Joker's suit. It's pretty cool and definitely fits the cartoony style. While Don is an artist, his main trade is jewelry. You can view some of his work here: Spiral Acorn Jewelry.
Currently, I am listening to part of the Watchmen soundtrack. Specifically, Pruit Igoe & Prophecies by the Philip Glass Ensemble. I like the piece. I feel it fits within the movie and evokes a lot of emotion. It's the type of song and music that gets me thinking. Part of it inspires me to write. Granted, it doesn't particularly help in writing random things on a blog, but maybe something more creative. I do have something rattling in my brain that wants to get out. I just have to give it the proper outlet for escape. That just means dedicating time to it.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Should be sleeping, throat be scratching
I think I am getting sick again. This tends to happen whenever I have inklings to do something at the very least, semi-productive.
It is currently St. Patty's Day. I was going to be a "true" Irishman and hit up the local pub for a drink. Depending on my health, I just may still. It may be the cure for all I know. All this will be after work of course. It is currently almost 3AM, and the bars are all closed.
I want to write a romance story. At the moment, I feel like Jack Nicholson's character from As Good As It Gets. I could probably imagine a great story in my head and may even translate some of it to paper, but lack the actual real world counterpart. Of course in the movie, he gets the happy ending with Helen Hunt, but comeon' it's Helen Hunt.
I am hungery. Who wants to go out to eat? My treat. I need to eat out more. Someone needs to try and bolster the economy. One man can make a difference.
It is currently St. Patty's Day. I was going to be a "true" Irishman and hit up the local pub for a drink. Depending on my health, I just may still. It may be the cure for all I know. All this will be after work of course. It is currently almost 3AM, and the bars are all closed.
I want to write a romance story. At the moment, I feel like Jack Nicholson's character from As Good As It Gets. I could probably imagine a great story in my head and may even translate some of it to paper, but lack the actual real world counterpart. Of course in the movie, he gets the happy ending with Helen Hunt, but comeon' it's Helen Hunt.
I am hungery. Who wants to go out to eat? My treat. I need to eat out more. Someone needs to try and bolster the economy. One man can make a difference.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Structured Ranting
I have been lacking with writing lately. It seems that every time I have some inclination to write something, I am no where near the computer. Taking notes also doesn't really work either. I sort of lose the passion after a prolonged delay from the keyboard. Another excuse is that I tend to be very tired lately. I literally didn't get in from work until 7:30 tonight. After eating and checking my typical websites, I grew sleepy and proceeded to fall asleep in my computer chair. I eventually moved upstairs to my bed to possibly catch a good hour nap. It turned into about 3 hours. Apparently my dream was good because I wanted to keep retuning to it. Now, as I sit down to type, it completely escapes my mind what the dream was about.
Yesterday my boss asked me to write up a little advertisement for the store that would go in some high school playbill. I completely froze when I attempted to write anything. My coworker, Trent, even pointed out that I was supposed to be a writer. I told him, "No, I just went to school for it." Eventually, I laid dwon some words to promote the correct products, but they were mainly ideas. There were no complete sentences to be had. Eventually my boss cleaned it up because it had to be done in minutes. I only had about 5 minutes from start to some up with the whole thing because the lady picking up the ad was on her way in. My boss, true to form, forgot that he promised to get it to her.
Theoretically, I want to write more. I want to come up with some creative outlet for people to experience. I just have no real passion for it at the moment. I have no real drive to get works of fiction out. I haven't actually written anyting with any creative merit for years. I write a good bit, mind you, when I write this type of blog stuff, but most of it is really rambling. Call it, structured ranting.
All in all, I am attempting to get back into something. When the window of time I have to actually write is so small, it's difficult to cram things into it. The only time I really have to do the things I want to do usually consists of the few hours before I have to get to sleep beofre work the next day. I don't even sleep much in a typical night. My average time is only about 4 to 5 hours a night, so there is a reason why I take naps and sleep late on weekends. All of that time sleeping takes away from my fun time to write, play video games, watch movies, and any other hobby I want to do.
I'll have to figure something out. I need to find a muse.
Yesterday my boss asked me to write up a little advertisement for the store that would go in some high school playbill. I completely froze when I attempted to write anything. My coworker, Trent, even pointed out that I was supposed to be a writer. I told him, "No, I just went to school for it." Eventually, I laid dwon some words to promote the correct products, but they were mainly ideas. There were no complete sentences to be had. Eventually my boss cleaned it up because it had to be done in minutes. I only had about 5 minutes from start to some up with the whole thing because the lady picking up the ad was on her way in. My boss, true to form, forgot that he promised to get it to her.
Theoretically, I want to write more. I want to come up with some creative outlet for people to experience. I just have no real passion for it at the moment. I have no real drive to get works of fiction out. I haven't actually written anyting with any creative merit for years. I write a good bit, mind you, when I write this type of blog stuff, but most of it is really rambling. Call it, structured ranting.
All in all, I am attempting to get back into something. When the window of time I have to actually write is so small, it's difficult to cram things into it. The only time I really have to do the things I want to do usually consists of the few hours before I have to get to sleep beofre work the next day. I don't even sleep much in a typical night. My average time is only about 4 to 5 hours a night, so there is a reason why I take naps and sleep late on weekends. All of that time sleeping takes away from my fun time to write, play video games, watch movies, and any other hobby I want to do.
I'll have to figure something out. I need to find a muse.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday the 13th
It's officially Valentine's Day. It is also after the witching hour post-Friday the 13th. To celebrate, I am watching Friday the 13th Part 2. I was going to watch the first one, but didn't see it onDemand.
That's the way to celebrate love. Watching some slasher movie, alone, at 3 in the morning.
At least I get to watch Jason kill some kid in a wheelchair.
That's the way to celebrate love. Watching some slasher movie, alone, at 3 in the morning.
At least I get to watch Jason kill some kid in a wheelchair.
Remodeling store annoyances
Work sucked today. I am not surprised. Friday is usually a good day. It's the end of the week. All my usual work is typically done. I can usually relax and get done stuff I usually don't have a chance to get tho throughout the rest of the week. Today, though, was completely different.
My boss scavenged some fixtures from the bookstore that just closed in the mall. I actually used to work at the book store a few years ago before I worked full time in a comic book store. It is a little weird to see it go. There isn't really a close book store around. From what I overheard and can't really confirm, the mall refused to renew the lease for the store. Apparently, there is already some clothing store set to move in, and the mall has plans for a separate anchor bookstore in 2 years. It took the whole staff by surprise.
In any case, my boss looks at closings as attacks of opportunity. His mindset is that if you are closing, what do you have that would benefit me. He wanted the shelves because he thought they would work better in our store. I can't say that they really do. Thankfully, my boss hired a couple guys to move the units down to the hallway behind the store. The sucky part was that I had to move them through the store, while the store was open, trying not to hit any product or glass display cases. I had help, granted, but it wasn't as if my boss was really doing anything. Towards the end of my shift, he actually left to go catch a drink with one of his buddies. He claimed he was being pressured into it.
I was tired, achey, and annoyed by the end of work. I was going to quit at one point, but that usually happens when it seems like everyone isn't doing their job when I am. I wound up passing out after work, so I missed heading into the city to see my friends perform in their sideshow. They even changed the show from what I am told. Oh well, I guess there is always next month.
My boss scavenged some fixtures from the bookstore that just closed in the mall. I actually used to work at the book store a few years ago before I worked full time in a comic book store. It is a little weird to see it go. There isn't really a close book store around. From what I overheard and can't really confirm, the mall refused to renew the lease for the store. Apparently, there is already some clothing store set to move in, and the mall has plans for a separate anchor bookstore in 2 years. It took the whole staff by surprise.
In any case, my boss looks at closings as attacks of opportunity. His mindset is that if you are closing, what do you have that would benefit me. He wanted the shelves because he thought they would work better in our store. I can't say that they really do. Thankfully, my boss hired a couple guys to move the units down to the hallway behind the store. The sucky part was that I had to move them through the store, while the store was open, trying not to hit any product or glass display cases. I had help, granted, but it wasn't as if my boss was really doing anything. Towards the end of my shift, he actually left to go catch a drink with one of his buddies. He claimed he was being pressured into it.
I was tired, achey, and annoyed by the end of work. I was going to quit at one point, but that usually happens when it seems like everyone isn't doing their job when I am. I wound up passing out after work, so I missed heading into the city to see my friends perform in their sideshow. They even changed the show from what I am told. Oh well, I guess there is always next month.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Ill Communication
I am sick. It sucks. I am not deathly ill or anything. I believe it is a cold. Weather hates me. I must have made fun of it when I was younger and now it seeks it's revenge. My body aches. My head aches. My nose has continual snot running out of it, only to fill up again and again. I am bout to take some NyQuil and pass out. It is incredibly early for my bed time. I don't even have work till tomorrow night either.
I keep getting these emails for some reunion site. Granted, I do have an actual reunion coming up. My high school reunion was supposed to be last year, but due to laziness and forgetfulness on everyone's part, it was delayed till this year. I guess I will be celebrating 11 years from high school.
I read an article before about how some reunion site, like Classmates.com or something, sent out a bunch of emails saying people were looking for a person.When the mark signed up and paid the fee to join, there was nothing there. Now, I know some people do actually use these types of sites to contact long lost people. I just don't think I am really an object of desirability. Hell, I don't even like talking about what I do for a living to strangers because I think I am boring. I certainly don't think I made any type of impression on anyone in high school that I still can't get into contact regularly.
Most of the people I currently talk to I didn't even go to high school with. I can probably count on one hand the number that I actually deal with with any regularity. I don't even receive that much SPAM in my email accout, so it's relatively strange that it continually pops up. I have a regular MySpace page that I check frequently that many other graduates from my year can find me at. Granted, I use a nickname and not my real name as my online identity. Also, my picutre tends to be a clip from a movie or a piece of art. I don't think I photograph well.
Part of me is intrigued with someone trying to contact me. Who could it be? What do they want? Was it some long ago crush looking to kindle something? I doubt it. Still, one can dream. In fact, I'm going to go do that right now.
I keep getting these emails for some reunion site. Granted, I do have an actual reunion coming up. My high school reunion was supposed to be last year, but due to laziness and forgetfulness on everyone's part, it was delayed till this year. I guess I will be celebrating 11 years from high school.
I read an article before about how some reunion site, like Classmates.com or something, sent out a bunch of emails saying people were looking for a person.When the mark signed up and paid the fee to join, there was nothing there. Now, I know some people do actually use these types of sites to contact long lost people. I just don't think I am really an object of desirability. Hell, I don't even like talking about what I do for a living to strangers because I think I am boring. I certainly don't think I made any type of impression on anyone in high school that I still can't get into contact regularly.
Most of the people I currently talk to I didn't even go to high school with. I can probably count on one hand the number that I actually deal with with any regularity. I don't even receive that much SPAM in my email accout, so it's relatively strange that it continually pops up. I have a regular MySpace page that I check frequently that many other graduates from my year can find me at. Granted, I use a nickname and not my real name as my online identity. Also, my picutre tends to be a clip from a movie or a piece of art. I don't think I photograph well.
Part of me is intrigued with someone trying to contact me. Who could it be? What do they want? Was it some long ago crush looking to kindle something? I doubt it. Still, one can dream. In fact, I'm going to go do that right now.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Additions to Myspace, laziness, & work
I am tired. Go figure.
It's 3 in the morning, and I just finished doing stuff for work in my free time. I am an idiot. I scrolled through a list of comics from an independent distributor and narrowed down the items to what I think the store should actually carry. About 95% of the stuff didn't make the cut. I added a couple CDs I found on there for good measure. I already have the Space Ghost: Musical BBQ, but I think I could deal with having the 2 Power Puff Girls cds. I know, I am a dork. I like cartoons though. Sometimes the music is good for inspiration.
Also, I added an RSS reader to my Myspace page so it would seem easier to notice when I post something here. I don't really have any followers through this, at least not many that are non-anonomyous. I know a few people do occasionally read the words I throw-up here. It seems that more people would be more inclined to check out the Myspace profile first though, seeing as they would already be on Myspace. I don't have a Facebook profile yet. I haven't decided if it is worth it or not. I know may people are making a change to it. It seems to be the new trend. Many older, read not kids, are switching to create a seeming more mature social netork. I guess hiding behind avatars and fake names can only do so much.
I have been lazy lately. I haven't been very good with keeping in contact with friends. I just think a call out of the blue from me isn't worthwhile. I don't find myself interesting, so I don't want to subject people to my annoying work stories. I need to go out more. I work too much, too often. It gets to the point where if I am not working during the week, I tend to nod off and nap for a bit. I don't think I have a wide enough window to do something constructive. Maybe, I am just making up excuses. If only I had a webcam, I could make some shitty video blog for Youtube like some emo kid.
I should go to sleep now. I hope everyone is having a good day.
It's 3 in the morning, and I just finished doing stuff for work in my free time. I am an idiot. I scrolled through a list of comics from an independent distributor and narrowed down the items to what I think the store should actually carry. About 95% of the stuff didn't make the cut. I added a couple CDs I found on there for good measure. I already have the Space Ghost: Musical BBQ, but I think I could deal with having the 2 Power Puff Girls cds. I know, I am a dork. I like cartoons though. Sometimes the music is good for inspiration.
Also, I added an RSS reader to my Myspace page so it would seem easier to notice when I post something here. I don't really have any followers through this, at least not many that are non-anonomyous. I know a few people do occasionally read the words I throw-up here. It seems that more people would be more inclined to check out the Myspace profile first though, seeing as they would already be on Myspace. I don't have a Facebook profile yet. I haven't decided if it is worth it or not. I know may people are making a change to it. It seems to be the new trend. Many older, read not kids, are switching to create a seeming more mature social netork. I guess hiding behind avatars and fake names can only do so much.
I have been lazy lately. I haven't been very good with keeping in contact with friends. I just think a call out of the blue from me isn't worthwhile. I don't find myself interesting, so I don't want to subject people to my annoying work stories. I need to go out more. I work too much, too often. It gets to the point where if I am not working during the week, I tend to nod off and nap for a bit. I don't think I have a wide enough window to do something constructive. Maybe, I am just making up excuses. If only I had a webcam, I could make some shitty video blog for Youtube like some emo kid.
I should go to sleep now. I hope everyone is having a good day.
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