Sunday, February 20, 2005


The past is a very weird place.

A lot of the things today are different from how they were when I was younger. I use the "I" because I'm talking about me. I speak so that I know that I'm really here.

Still, the past has both good a bad points. There are things I wish I could do over again, and get it right this time. I liked a lot of the people that I once knew. I don't speack to them all now, but sometimes that could be considered a good thing. The bad tends to outweigh the good though. There are too many things I wish I can forget. Wish they never happened in the first place. Most of which I won't even tell any body. I fear how the past will effect the present.

They always say the those who forget the past, are doomed to repeat it. Maybe that's why I am forced to remember the bad times more vividly than the good. If I forget the good times, then it's only fair that I relive those moments at some point.

It's a catch-22. I want good memories so that I know I did good things. Yet, if I remember those things that were good, good things are less likely to happen.

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