Goddammit. It's 3Am, and I still have to write. I have to keep this think up if I want to take it seriously. The good thing is that there is no set structure, so I can go on whatever tangent I want. This helps when you just need to throw words at the screen and just have them stick. they really don't need to be in particular order any.
Today, was the long day at work. So long, in fact, that I was there an extra half hour cleaning up after working for 13 hours on my feet. The whole day just felt odd. It started out as a typical Wednesday, with me frustrated at anything that took me away from dealing with comic books. The ride in was smooth, the I overheard the traffic report the one road I take to work had a downed tree. Not want to experience the possibility of succumbing to back roads with no names, I made a detour of my own on a known road. I had sudden detours because they tend to put my non-Magellan ass places I have never been. Then the panic sets in. I avoided that though.
I was greeted to bags of trash as I opened the gate. Apparently, bringing the trash to the dumpster was too much an effort for the previous nights crew. That crew being named my boss. He explained when he came in that he was there till midnight and it just slipped his mind to take it out. He saw it when he closed the gate, but it was at the point where since it's already closed, he had escaped and didn't need to return. God knows I have had that feeling before.
There was the typical stuff. I wasn't finished pulling all the books for our subscribers by the time we opened. There was one guy, who wasn't a regular, that needed to come in and buy his three books that weren't ready yet. This is annoyance 1. He then proceeded to try and buy these three comics with a hundred dollar bill... as the first sale of the day. Annoyance number 2. I hate the practice of using large bills for small purchases on an exponential level. It almost erupts in violence how much hate I have for the practice, especially in the early morning.
The rest of the day was rather quiet. We didn't get any shipments. I got my normal stuff done early or on time. It was probably that I wasn't distracted by everyone on the earth that I could get my "numbers" done withe the other store. Basically, "numbers" is the term I use when we can make adjustments to books we have already ordered. So, today, me and the manager from our other store went over our orders for some books that come out, supposedly, in three weeks. We can increase or decrease as we see fit judging by prior sales of previous issues. We used to only be able to do it with Marvel and DC, but now we can also adjust Image and Dark Horse. These are the 4 biggest comic companies.
The rest of the day, I just found stuff to do. I did some inventory, talked with customers, and even looked up some game news. I wound up sending my coworker at night home early because it seemed rather slow. The only people in were some people just grabbing some comics and the group of guys playing miniature games in the back. What sucked, is that the gamers don't like to keep track of time. So, at 9:30, when we officially close, I asked them to pack it up, nicely. It was when they still weren't out 15 minutes later, that I got pissed. So, I started the nights paper work when I would normally be finishing up, and I still needed to get vacuuming done.
Granted, I probably didn't need to vacuum, since I was the only one closing. The store looked bad though, and despite my personal living conditions, I get freaked out if my workplace is cluttered and dirty. I feel to need to impress people with presentation. I did the same thing in college with my dorm room, not that it did me any good. So, I was at work an extra half hour just straightening and cleaning.
On the way home, I should have listened to some karaoke stuff with the window down. That would at least kept me semi-alert. Thank God no one was really on the road at that time. I thought I was hallucinating at one point. It was so bad, and I was so cranky by the time I got home, I snapped at just about anything. It nearly erupted in violence. I wanted to break something, anything. Thankfully, I didn't and opted to just take a nap in front of my computer, or my secondary bed. I felt better after that. It also the reason this is going up late. Good thing I don't have work till 5PM tomorrow.
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