If I plan on writing today, I should probably do it now. Chances are, whenever I get home from the bar, I will be too tired or something to do anything constructive, aside from make a hot pocket.
I was going to go to an amateur boxing match tonight. A flip of the coin, literally, made me choose not to attend. Sometimes, yes, I do rely on an actual coin flip to make my decisions, much like Mr. Harvey Dent. Unfortunately, my coin isn't a double heads one with one side scarred.
The boxing match that was on the bill involves the owner of a bar I go to called Marty McGee's. Joe McGee is going to attempt to win some championship from the nephew of Sylvester Stallone. I wish I was making that up. Part of the reason I didn't go is that I wasn't really going to know anyone there. Another part was that I want a drink and doubt they would have good beer there at reasonable prices. I'll just save my $30 and put it toward more beer at Joe's bar instead.
Work was all right for the most part. It being Friday, I had most of my normal stuff for the week already finished. There was only some minor things I needed to take care of. The unfortunate thing was that we didn't receive one of the shipments we were supposed to get today. Games Workshop holds the largest line of models we sell in the store. Their game of Warhammer 40,000 just released a new rule book for one of their armies, along with some new models. New army stuff generally means greater sales. The rule of thumb is that the new army is usually the best one at the time. The good thing is that we sold out of nearly most of the stuff we received on Wednesday. The bad thing is that our reorder that was supposed to come today was delayed somewhere along the line, so we may not have some of the popular stuff for the weekend.
Instead, I occupied my time with other orders. A game shipment with almost two dozen card packs for "Living Card Games". Basically a Living Card Game consists of something that used to be a standard collectible card game (CCG). The most popular collectible card game is Magic:The Gathering. What happened is that these older CCGs went away due to poor sales and the like. The company that holds the license thinks they can still make some coin off it, so they republish it somehow. They box up sets of the card to make a playable card game that removes the deck building excitement of getting random cards. They make a boxed base set, they produce "chapter packs" that add on to the base set for extended play. Now there is no randomness to the cards, like 15 card booster packs. Instead yo get 40 card chapter pack that hold a certain theme. I believe we carry 3 different Living Card Games: Game of Thrones, Call of Cthuhlu, and Warhammer: Invasion.
Other than that, it was some new miniature model company called Red Box Games that I had to scrounge the Internet for prices.
Ok, that should be a good amount for the moment. I am off to go get my drink on. Have a good night fair people that are bored enough on a Friday night to read this drivel. Even if I don't entertain, maybe you can learn something.
I'm reading Kev.keep em coming!
God, I have written a lot of words.
Thanks for reading, LC.
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