It's now after 2AM, and I have yet to write anything for the day. This isn't good considering that it has been about a week since I decided to commence this undertaking.
I'm just sitting here listening to Nine Inch Nails. To be specific, it's Right Where It Belongs off of With Teeth. See all that extra crap just eliminated a few words from my projected 500. Of course, I'm not really having that big a problem reaching that goal. The last post I made consisted of over 700 words. I guess I can be a bit verbose with my prattling.
So, where to begin today? I guess I can talk about work. Seeing as that is where a majority of my day was spent, it is deemed the most likely candidate. Monday is typically a busy day for me, and in some retail in general. That's the day many orders are placed for both new product and replacement product. It's is typically Monday so that the distributors can get the stuff out to the stores by Friday, i.e. the weekend. This Monday was a bit odd in that it was also Martin Luther King Day.
Being MLK Day, many a school and business was closed, being in a mall, it means we were more crowded than usual. Sometimes it's not so bad because some of the regulars sometimes visit and hang around. Basically, it gives me an excuse to kill time while avoiding my actual real work, inventory. There were a few in today playing some of the miniature games. It's frightening how much of this stuff I have absorbed over the years because I can rattle off rules, never having played the game once. There also a bit of "gamer drama" over the past weekend's big tournament. To sum it up, the one regular got screwed out of the #1 position because of a weak painting score. (When you play in miniature tournaments, not only is your playing skill judged, but so is how your army looks and how the army is composed.) Our regular decimated all of his opponents and still only wound up in 3rd. I felt for the guy, but this types of things are one of the reasons I don't get too involved with the competitive aspect of the hobby.
Other than that, I wound up getting my typical inventory done for the DC Comics stuff. I get them out of the way as quickly as possible because my Sales Rep for DC usually calls me in the morning. I need to get the order in before 1PM. It was a short list since the past 2 weeks of orders are still in transit, which were sizable.
For the remainder of the night, I made scenery for our gaming tables. Whenever we are working on making scenery at the store, it draws the attention of people who have no idea what we are doing. Most of our stuff, like hills, buildings and rock formations, are made out of a "pink foam". Basically "pink foam" is insulation foam you can get at Home Depot and the like in 8 feet by 4 feet sheets. We carve the stuff down with knives and other tools, glue stuff together, give it texture and paint it. It's really not as hard as it seems, but I guess I could just be used to it. For the most part, all it requires is time and patience. The picture for this article is similar to what I was doing tonight.
Well, I think that should be enough. I also just remembered that I have laundry in the dryer that needs to be folded. I gotta have them clean drawers.
ive been using this medium grade styrofoam for projects lately, we carve into the stuff and then cover it up with layers mesh and thinset to make it solid. Its a lot of fun to work with. if you guys invested in a small grinder you could do even cooler shit with it on a larger scale. (not like you need any advice from me, you guys do really amazing complex stuff)
anyways, Ive been reading the whole time... keep it up!
If I worked on my own stuff, I would give it some thought. Making stuff for the store though, it's tough. Everything is assembly line and uncreative. I churn it out like a robot.
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