I have been in front of my computer for almost the entire day. I just haven't been doing anything useful with it.
I guess I will go over what I did the night before, but as for today, nothing even remotely close to productive. My oldest brother, Ted, brought over a couple old video game systems: a Nintendo 64 and Nintendo Gamecube. I already had an N64, but the Gamecube is a welcome addition. With this acquiring, also came a few games. The funny thing is that apparently my brother got the systems from a bar he goes to occasionally. The patrons were apparently taken to play them every so often. What I think is hysterical is that the N64 includes two Pokemon games. On a non-hysterical front, I already own one of the Pokemon games.
Well, last night, I decided to get some writing in before I moved on to other ventures. I thought those ventures were going to consist of finally playing my Xbox after over two weeks of negligence. Turns out that around two minutes after hitting the "post" option, I received a phone call by my friend, James. A party was being held, and he requested my presence.
Let it be said that the announcement of free booze is always a good thing. The party was in Media, PA. Now, if you have never been to Media, it consists of about two main streets of action and excitement surrounded by hills that can make alpine climbers nervous. Of course, it was on these hills where the party lied. The good thing is that getting there was sort of easy. Organized like a grid pattern, my only problem arose in not knowing which street were one way until I already passed them, or missed them all together. Eventually, I found suitable parking, and followed James' instructions of just listening for the noise. He was right in that an outside deck couple probably be heard for blocks.
People were surprised that I had shown. The host, Matt, had no idea how to contact me. It was only later that I even found out that James wasn't even initially invited for the same reasons. I guess I am a tertiary invite. Ah well, I was welcome to be there anyway.
Getting there at about midnight made me stand out. I was definitely the most sober, with possibly the most drunk being a guy, Pete, who was almost making problems for himself. Now, I really don't have any problems with Pete. I just don't really know him. Other people may have voiced a negative opinion, and in my interests to accelerate humor, I lashed out with some bashing of my own. With Pete slurring that there were bucket fulls of people he didn't think were his type, I responded with "They're called women." As far as I know, he isn't gay, but he can seem that way at times. Still, he took it as a sad drunk and just agreed. I actually felt bad at the point and just backed off.
There was an actual gay man at the party, Derek. He is actual a pretty cool guy. He's one of those gay people that doesn't hide what they are, but being gay doesn't define who he is in life. It also helped that he was wearing a comic book t-shirt.
The party was evaporating since before I showed up. There was good beer to be had in some dark ale on tap, which I no forget the name of. It had a chocolate taste, and seemed expensive to have a quarter keg of it. It was tasty though. Soon after 2 AM, things were definitely on a down swing. I wound up taking a couple friends home.
After dropping one off only a few blocks away, I had to head through curvy roadways to get to the other's house. On the way, a deer was nice enough to stand in the road before me. I didn't even hesitate and just went around it. This prompted hysterical laughter from my drunk friend. I only found out later that that probably wasn't the best course of action and things could have been much worse under different circumstances. Sill, it was memorable for the time.
So, there you have it. I wound up doing something aside from just playing video games for an evening. I think I need to get away from the computer now.
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