I have no idea what I am going to write about... Which is how all of these should, will, or do start.
Work was rather unproductive, so it's not the best thing to write about. All that really happened was the the Dungeons and Dragons group that plays at the store on Thursdays, played Munchkin instead. The whole group couldn't make it, but they still wanted to get together. Since most of the party in the D&D campaign needed to deal with one of the other characters that wasn't there tonight, it was time for other games instead.
I like the store's D&D group. They have been playing at my store for over a year. In fact, for their anniversary, they brought in cupcakes and treats for everyone. That includes me and Josh, who only works Thursdays. What's interesting about the group is their age. When they first started, I wouldn't think one of them was under the age of 35. Now, the girl (woman) in the group might have a problem with that. Oh, they even have a female playing in the group. Over the course of the year, they wound up adding another player who is probably in his late 20s or so. Still, I like that they have fun with imagination.
I haven't played D&D or any role-playing game (RPG) in a very long time. I think the last time I did, I was in high school. That's a typical response. I know people that still play, and have been invited to play on a couple occasions. I just haven't put forth the effort in playing.
Some friends of mine get together almost every week playing something. At the moment, it's a D&D campaign in 3.5 edition or Pathfinder. To clarify, they update the rules for RPGs quite often to spurn sales. With the invention of D&D 4 Edition, it segregated some of the audience. So, some of the people that still want to play, just use the old rules of D&D 3.5 Edition. There is a company Paizo that was publishing the monthly magazines for the D&D culture named, oddly enough, Dungeon (for the Dungeon Masters ((the storyteller of the game))) and Dragon ( that was geared more for the player). For a while I used to collect Dragon because I liked the concept of playing a game.
When Paizo was told that D&D was going to do the magazines in house, it caused a slight rift. In retaliation, Paizo latched onto the 3.5 edition rules of D&D because they knew there was still a market for it. Paizo already launched a fantasy setting called Pathfinder, but with a new rule set based on D&D 3.5, they had a game on their own. From what I was told, the Pathfinder system takes the core D&D rules and pulls out all the junk. Gone are the things that no one ever used, like redundant feats. (A feat is a special action or quality your character has while in the game.)
There are a couple other games friends of mine play, but I'll talk about them some other time. I reached my enforced limit of words needed. I'm treating this post like a high school paper: bare minimum.
Since tomorrow is Friday, I may have to do something exciting at work in order to get something written between when I get home and when I leave for the bar to engage in social awkwardness. We shall see what happens.
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